Proven Success! How to Overcome a Lagging Cellphone that You Must Try
How to Overcome Mobile Ngelag – Hp can be likened to a human being where a human sometimes has a point when doing something. This condition is triggered because humans are tired of receiving and storing a series of information. Likewise with cellphones that have a level of fatigue in receiving and storing information. Of course, there are ways to overcome lagging cellphones, not just one but several. There are so many ways to deal with a lagging cellphone, even dozens of ways that can be used.
Improvement of this condition must also be adjusted to the condition of the type of cellphone owned by each individual. Different types of cellphones will require different handling. This can happen because every developer has its own style in creating software that meets the cellphone. The following is a complete explanation of how to overcome the lagging cellphone as follows:
1. Solution to Overcome a Lagging Hp by Deleting Cache
The first way that readers can do in how to overcome a lagging cellphone is to delete cache which is in the application. Of course, every application keeps a cache after the application is used. Meaning cache mentioned are temporary data left by the application. Even so, the reader who clears the cache in the application will not affect any data.
Every cellphone has its own way of deleting its cache. Like xiaomi, which provides two types of automatic removal on the screen menu and manual removal of each application in the ‘Settings’ menu. Removal cache very helpful in overcoming a lagging cellphone, do it every day to prevent cellphone lag
2. Solutions to Overcome a Lagging Hp by Using Additional Memory
This time the solution for this one can only be used by android users and cannot be used on iPhone users. This is because the iPhone does not provide an empty slot for external memory. Unlike Android, which provides external memory. This condition will really help the cellphone in preventing or overcoming the problem of cellphone lag. This is due to the division of tasks that occur in external and internal memory.
3. Eliminate Unused Apps
This method can be an effective solution for every Hp user. Of course, this method has been used successfully against various types of existing cellphones. In this way, users can simply filter out applications that are no longer used and are still effective for use.
After filtering those two things, just do it uninstall and keep applications that are frequently and effectively used. This will ease the use of HP that users have. One thing to note that one application is not used will take up some capacity in the memory of the cellphone.
4. Update the system according to current developments
One of the problems that often occurs in every smartphone is the presence of an operating system. When the operating system is not in line with the current condition, this will affect the performance of the cellphone. This is what triggers the condition of the cellphone to be sluggish and slow. So, it is highly recommended to do updates periodically on the user’s operating system.
5. Solutions to Overcome a Lagging Hp by Doing Factory Reset
This method is the last method that users can do if all methods are not effective. Why be the last solution? This is because users who take this method will make their cellphones return to the way they were when they were purchased. What this means is that all the data that the user owns is permanently lost. Of course HP’s performance will return to the beginning.
Some of the solutions provided are general solutions in how to overcome mobile phone lags. Even so, the reader has done the provided solution, but it still ends up with the same thing. It is highly recommended to take it to an expert.