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How to Update IDM Automatically and Manually

How to Update IDM

Many people use IDM without serial numbers or pirated ones, but they are confused about how to update IDM either automatically or manually? Let’s see more in this article.

In order for the performance and function of the program to run perfectly and always in accordance with the times, updating the software must be done. This also applies to the Internet Download Manager or IDM program.

IDM is the most popular downloader software worldwide, this software is considered capable of downloading large and fast files.

How to update IDM is not difficult and can be done quickly and concisely. You can update this most popular download manager program automatically or manually.

Follow the following guide to update IDM and turn off the automatic update feature.

How to Automatically Update IDM

IDM has an automatic update feature that will appear every time there is an update from the developer. This update notification will appear when you open IDM.

The New version of Internet Download Manager is available window will appear along with the details of what is included in the update.

This automatic update feature can only be used by IDM with the original paid license.

Sometimes, this update notification appears on non-original IDM. However, the update feature cannot be used. How to update IDM automatically through the automatic update feature is not recommended for non-original IDM.

If you are using the original IDM, just wait for the update notification to appear. Then, click Update now to make IDM automatically update to the latest edition.

How to Update IDM Manually

Here’s how to update IDM manually.

  1. Open IDM.
  2. Click Help.
  3. Then, select Check for updates.
  4. Will be a notification that there is an update that can be installed.
  5. Click Update now.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the update installation.
  7. Click Finish to complete the IDM update process.

By doing this manual update, you no longer need to always obey the automatic update requests that appear when IDM is opened.

This update method is also suitable for those of you who prefer to control what needs to be updated and what doesn’t.

Unfortunately, this method also cannot be used on non-original IDM. Only paid original IDM can use manual updates.

Install IDM Latest Version

If you are using non-original IDM, the best way to update IDM is to install the latest edition of IDM. Do not overwrite existing IDM.

Uninstall first and clean the computer from all old IDM files. Then, do the latest version of IDM.

This method is a safe method and is guaranteed not to make you have to go through complex and not easy procedures.

How to turn off IDM Automatic Updates

Here’s how to turn off IDM automatic updates.

  1. Click the Start icon.
  2. Type regedit in the search line.
  3. Then, press Enter to access the Registry Editor.
  4. Click the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder.
  5. Select Software, then click DownloadManager.
  6. Scroll down and click on LstCheck value.
  7. Change the LstCheck value to for example 50.
  8. Click OK, then exit Registry Editor.
  9. Restart the PC so that the effect can be felt.

Turn off IDM Automatic Updates by Renaming IDM Files

If the previous method of turning off IDM automatic updates failed, then you can use this method.

  1. Close IDM first.
  2. Enter Windows Explorer and access the Internet Download Manager installation folder.
  3. Its location, usually in C – Program Files (x86) – Internet Download Manager.
  4. Right-click the IDMGrHlp.exe file and select Rename.
  5. Rename the file to idmhelp-old.exe.
  6. Next, restart the computer.
  7. After that, go back into the IDM folder.
  8. Click the idmBroker.exe file and select Rename.
  9. Rename the file to IDMGrHlp.exe.
  10. Restart the computer so that the effect can be felt.

How to update IDM automatically and manually above has been tested. It must be admitted that IDM is a program that releases updates quite often. This is certainly a little inconvenient for non-original IDM users.

Actually, when the update appears you don’t need to update immediately. The effect of minor updates that appear frequently is not great. Well, you wait for a major update so that the impact is more pronounced.