Ghost of Sparta Anti Lag
Do you often experience lag when playing the PPSSPP God of War Ghost of Sparta game? It could be because of the wrong emulator setting, so that it becomes slow on both 1 GB and 2 GB ram cellphones. But you don’t need to worry anymore, because here we will share light settings for the game.
God of War is an action adventure game created by David Jaffe at Sony Santa Monica Studio. The game started on the PS 2 game console back in 2005, and has become the main title for the PlayStation brand of eight games on various platforms.
It’s true that this game is played on the PS 2 and PSP platforms, so players who play on the Android platform with the help of PPSSPP will definitely experience lag and stuttering in the sound.
We all know that the games that are available on the PlayStation and PSP consoles have good graphics and large sizes so that when we play them on the Android platform, we are not satisfied with the gameplay.
But did you know that just by changing the emulator settings a little we can play it smoothly? We will share the method along with other alternative ways that can be done, of course very powerful!
How to Set PPSSPP for God of War
Before starting the tutorial, it’s a good idea to set your PPSSPP emulator to default first so that the previous settings can be reset and the emulator is in default state.
1. Choose Vulkan As Backend Renderer
Vulkan provides a pretty good rendering experience and performance compared to OpenGL. This mode is more efficient and practical so that it will make the device more battery efficient and maintain its temperature.
However, if your device does not support Vulkan, please select OpenGL instead.
2. Enable Hardware Transform, Vertec Cache and Skinning Software
Feature Hardware Transform and Vertex Cache provides a significant performance increase when God of War is played. This is caused by the processor graphics which also contribute when the game rendering process is running.
The increase is an increase of about 5-6 frames per second from the total of 60 frames displayed in one second or about 10 in his calculations. Of course this feature is very mandatory to be activated.
Activate Skinning SoftwareAlthough this feature does not always run smoothly in all ppsspp Android games, but specifically for God of War this feature is mandatory to activate.
There was a significant increase in this game, contributing to an increase of 2 frames per second at 60 fps or it can be calculated around 3%.
3. Use Cheat Fixed 30 / 60 fps (Mandatory)
Actually, this is the most powerful weapon to make PPSSPP God of War settings not lag and run smoothly when played. This way the emulator won’t render wasted extra frames.
Not only that, for those of you who are experiencing the sound in God of war is not smooth, it can also be overcome by using these additional tools.
According to sources I read on the PPSSPP forum, this game has an internal framerate of 150+ FPS to 2000+ FPS including the frame displayed on the screen, this was stated by a user named Kabuto_Kun.
Meanwhile, the average refresh rate of a smartphone monitor is only 60Hz. So the device will be overwhelmed by rendering and eventually cause stuttering or lag.
Then how?
First, please download the cheat file below first:
Notes: Choose according to your version or game code. If you don’t know your game code, you can save the state first then look at /PSP/SAVESTATES/
After that, please move the file that you downloaded above to the /PSP/CHEATS/ directory.
Before playing, let’s activate some supporting settings such as setting the PSP CPU to 266 or 666 Mhz as recommended.
Don’t forget to activate too Enable Cheats on choice System. So that this setting also has an effect on other games, please Create Game Config also.
Later below there will be a cheat option, you can activate the fi 30 or 60 fps. But I recommend just choosing the 30 fps one, unless your device has high specifications. After that please restart the game, play right away!
I think with the help of the cheat above and some of the correct settings, it will be able to provide a smooth gaming experience on Android without any stuttering sound. Good luck and play!