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Example of the latest SMA/SMK/MA/SMP/MTS OSIS Vision and Mission

Example of Student Council Vision and Mission

The following is an example of the latest OSIS vision and mission for SMA/SMK and Madrasah Aliah as well as for SMP/MTS and the equivalent. Intra-School Student Organization is a student association in which there is a student council structure that is fully organized starting from the chairman to the existing sections.

Its members also consist of students who are specially selected and come from various classes, specifically the student council president will be elected democratically by involving all students or it can also be directly elected by all previous student council members.

But before running for office, of course we have to prepare carefully, especially on the vision and mission to be really well prepared.

Because it is undeniable that the strongest argument to convince other members and students is the vision and mission that we have set up to be realized if we really become student council presidents.

And for those of you who want to be OSIS chairman, of course you have to prepare in advance the vision and mission so that they can be accepted by other students, this is a kind of campaign where we will give a convincing statement to the community (in this case students) so that they will choose us and them. think that we are worthy to be the student council president.

Example of the Vision and Mission of the Head of Student Council for SMP/MTS

Example 1


  1. Making the OSIS “say the name of your school” a quality and quality organization, as well as making the good name “say the name of your school” both inside and outside school.
  2. Improve human resources and make “say the name of your school” as a role model and role model for other schools.
  3. Making students “say the name of your school” to be exemplary, disciplined, creative, high achievers and noble students.
  4. Become a student who cares about the development of the quality of human resources in the fields of religion, service, lessons and technological developments.


  1. Forming a compact group learning forum for students
  2. Organize useful and educational competitions
  3. Develop student creativity with additional activities
  4. Online and modern learning activities on social media
  5. Organizing good student orientation activities (MOS) so that no duping occurs
  6. Participate in the organization of religious holidays

Example 2


  1. Become a forum for students who want to develop all existing potential so that students who are creative, dynamic, intelligent, have high achievements and have noble character and uphold the good name of the school.


  1. Activate and advance the organization and extracurricular activities in the school and take care of them
  2. Activate study groups from each class
  3. Realizing collaboration with other schools in terms of academics, sports and arts
  4. Implement the program that has been arranged according to the plan
  5. Organizing activities in the social and religious fields

Example 3


  1. Forming high-quality students and students of the State Junior High School 1 Manding according to IMTAQ and science and technology, as well as having high professionalism in realizing students and the global knowledgeable side.
  2. Increase the faith and devotion of students and students of SMPN 1 Manding to God Almighty, increase student awareness of OSIS and also schools in creating a quality and global-minded young generation.


  1. Making OSIS a two-way communication medium between teachers and students
  2. Improve student discipline in terms of responsibility, clothing, time and cleanliness
  3. Realizing OSIS activities as aggression, a concrete manifestation of the running of the OSIS management

Example of the Vision and Mission of the OSIS Chair at the SMA/SMK/MA Level

For the high school level itself, you need the right reason for entering the student council to be able to convince the other members so that you are indeed worthy of being the student council president later. Also responsible for the tasks to be carried out.

Example 1


  1. Fostering the spirit of students to maintain the environment and cleanliness
  2. Increase student obedience to the teacher
  3. Providing a platform for talented students
  4. Make the school atmosphere comfortable and fun with modern learning methods
  5. Become a liaison between students and teachers


  1. Protecting students so they can throw trash in its place
  2. Inviting students to recycle waste
  3. Invite students to participate and be active in extracurricular activities
  4. Organize competitions to increase student team spirit and teamwork
  5. Being an OSIS that is open to being able to listen to the opinions of teachers and students so that there is harmony in every school activity

Example 2


  1. Making the OSIS at SMAN 1 Sumenep progressive, dynamic and solid
  2. Provide support for students to be able to continue to hone their potential based on the creativity that God has bestowed upon them


  1. Improving the quality of performance and cooperation in the organization
  2. Print cadres who excel in academic and non-academic fields
  3. Developing the talents of students in the extracurricular field
  4. Continuing and spreading the student council performance in the previous year
  5. Carry out OSIS work activities that have been arranged in a systematic, good and sustainable manner
  6. Organizing social and religious activities
  7. Improve the atmosphere of an effective organization

Example 3


  1. Making OSIS a means to accommodate students’ inspiration, aspirations and creativity. Also improve schools to be quality and quality
  2. Creating a school learning atmosphere that loves diversity, is fun, safe, cares about the environment and is conducive


  1. Carry out the maximum possible development of extracurricular activities at school
  2. Organizing environmental services on a regular basis to keep the school clean
  3. Holding an annual sport and art event as a form of tolerance for differences
  4. OSIS must be a role model for all students
  5. Carry out activities that have been arranged by the student council properly

Of course the example of the vision and mission above is only as a reference which you have to adjust to your own goals. Most important is to ask students what they need in student council government, this is most effective.

Because with the various opinions given by students, for example we take at most 8 out of 10 students who want a good government and often hold activities, then we must consider this to be included in the vision and mission and try to make it happen.

Those are some examples of the student council vision and mission if you want to run for chairman. Of course, you have to rearrange the agenda that you hope to see, this is just an example that can be used as a reference for your own vision and mission.