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Reasons You Must Buy Winter Truncheon During Late Game!

Reasons You Must Buy Winter Truncheon During Late Game!

One of the mandatory items that you can buy for the late game is the Winter Truncheon. Besides Immortality, of course, what you really have to buy.

Winter Truncheon itself is one of two active items currently available in Mobile Legends. This item cannot issue its own skills because you need to use it yourself at the moments you want.

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Now, regarding this one item, here are the reasons why you must buy this one item during the late game Mobile Legends according to SPIN Esports.

Buying Time

Winter Truncheons
source: Mobile Legends

The first thing is buying time, with 2 seconds there is a lot that can be done such as colleagues coming to help or cooldown skills that have been completed.

With the time purchased from the Winter Truncheon item, of course many things can change when you die in vain without this item.

You can even avoid death if you use it at the right time. Especially in the late game where the death time is very long.

Can be Combo with Immortality

It’s now normal for Winter Truncheon items to be combined with Immortality. Both can be used interchangeably because there is a cooldown period for the skill.

You can sell Immortality after you die and be replaced by Winter Truncheon or vice versa. One example is when Kairi uses Winter Trucheon and replaces it with Immortality as shown below.

Avoid Opponent’s Dangerous Skills

There are many things you can avoid when using this item. One of them is a dangerous skill from the opponent.

One of them is Fatal Link as shown by Markyyy when he fought RRQ Hoshi, even though at that time he still died. But still, it buys time to back-up to his colleagues to help the ongoing teamfight.

This active skill from Winter Truncheon makes you immune to all skills from your opponent.

That is the reason why you must buy this one item when entering the late game in Mobile Legends.

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