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6 Illegal Pinjol Application Download Links You Need to Know

6 Illegal Pinjol Application Download Links You Need to Know

There are still many people who download illegal loan applications with the aim of getting fast liquid loans and low interest. There have been many similar applications whose official permits were dismissed by the OJK, but some of them are still active. Here is the list:

1. Money Loan

Money Loans is an application created by Wu Mangga. This app is intended for people who want to borrow cash online. Without collateral, credit cards or mortgaging BPKB, loans can be disbursed immediately. Suitable for urgent needs that require fast funds.

The payment deadline given is different depending on the loan amount. So users can choose for themselves. For example, for a 10 million loan, you will be given 180 days to complete the payment. Money loan apps can be downloaded at this link.

2. Easy Loans

Instead of downloading an illegal loan application that is not clear, Cheap Loans can be a better choice. This 6.4 MB application provides a fairly flexible repayment period, starting from 91 days and a maximum of 180 days.

Through this platform, borrowers will be charged a loan interest of 14% per year. This fee includes interest rates and other charges. The loan limit starts from 200 thousand to 30 million. Download Easy Loans here.

3. Blessings of Sharia Fintech

With a fairly intuitive interface design, this application makes it easy for users to get loans according to their needs. Sharia Fintek provides high reliability services that are focused and committed to education and financial literacy using sharia principles.

Although not yet registered with the OJK, this application has an electronic system specifically designed to suit financial needs. With the number of downloads exceeding a million times, Fintek Syariah can be downloaded via this link.

4. Yes Dana

Downloading illegal pinjol applications is not something that is recommended, but there are some of them that are of good quality. It’s just that it hasn’t been recorded in the OJK, for example Yeah Dana.

This application provides loans starting at 400 thousand and a maximum of 8 million which can be disbursed as soon as possible, suitable for urgent needs. The loan interest rate is quite low, as high as 14% per annum.

The loan period starts from 91 to 300 days. There are no additional fees other than interest. The loan method is easy and short, starting from filling out information to waiting for approval. Yes Dana can be downloaded at this link.

5. Pinjamindo

Pinjamindo is a product for financial credit with a fairly good risk control technology. These apps provide loan services quickly and have a fairly long tenor. Starting from 91 to 365 days, users can apply for loans from 1 to 5 million.

The advantages of this application are that there is no need to provide collateral, and there is no administrative fee like other loans. Submissions are made online and support various payment methods from banks to convenience stores. Get the application at this link.

6. MoneyMe

The next application is UangMe, which provides loans large enough to reach 20 million. This online app is suitable for loan needs in urgent situations because the disbursement of funds is very fast.

It does not require many requirements, it is enough to provide an ID card and bank account number. Users can complete the application in three stages. With flexible loan terms, these apps can be an alternative choice for various needs. The UangMe platform can be found here.

Those were some of the illegal pinjol application download links that are still operating. However, users still have to be wise in multiplying information to choose which one is right for their needs. It is more advisable to use a legal application so that its security is guaranteed.