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Want to Restore Deleted WhatsApp Chats? Here's How

How to Restore Deleted WhatsApp Chats WhatsApp is one of the social media that is often used by the public. A lot of information is spread through whatsapp. However, it is possible that the information in WhatsApp can be deleted.

The cause can be an unintentional own error or a technical error when using the application. Then, how to restore deleted WhatsApp chats? Check out the 5 steps below.

1. Utilize the Back Up Feature

The first step is to take advantage of the back up feature of the WhatsApp application. This feature appears when clicking the settings menu on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Backup

The settings menu can be found when clicking the three dots vertically in the top right corner. Furthermore, the settings menu can be found in the fifth or lowest order itself.

To restore deleted whatsapp chats in the settings menu, select ‘chat’ or click the second order from the top. Next, a backup option will appear between two other options, namely wallpaper and chat history on WhatsApp.

Back up is symbolized by a cloud symbol and in it there is an up arrow.

2. Ensure Memory Has

When you click back up, you will be directed to choose a WhatsApp chat storage path. Make sure you have enough memory to accommodate all the information in the chat.

Moreover, if there is media content such as photos and videos, then the memory required needs to be even bigger. Memory provided is via Google Drive.

Make sure the google drive account you have is active and not someone else’s. Then, set a time to back up the memory on Google Drive.

It can be daily, weekly, monthly, or according to your own wishes. In another sense, we do back up manually by clicking ‘backup’.

3. Check File Description

WhatsApp chats can be stored in SD card memory, but usually they can be deleted accidentally. For that, check the file in your memory with the format msgstore-(year)-(month)-(date).1.db.crypt8. Adjust the year, month, and date according to the needs of the desired information to be returned.

If your cellphone doesn’t detect such a file format, you can download additional applications first. The file name can be changed as desired to make it easier for the next search.

Reading file descriptions in your own Google Drive account is quite easy. All you have to do is login to your Google Drive account, which can be seen directly on the homepage.

4. Reinstall WhatsApp

After doing the three steps above, WhatsApp chat can be immediately restored by reinstalling it. Delete the WhatsApp application through the application settings on each cellphone.

Then, re-download WhatsApp on the Play Store application. Make sure the internet runs smoothly from the first to the fourth step because the file size is quite large.

After the download and reinstall process is complete, make sure the number you have is active. This is to make it easier to register WhatsApp numbers again.

If the registered number is not the same as the previous WhatsApp number, then the WhatsApp chat cannot be returned. After entering the verification stage, set the whatsapp name and profile as usual.

5. Take advantage of the Restore feature

The final step is to take advantage of the restore feature. After setting the whatsapp name and profile, a whatsapp screen will appear offering to restore whatsapp chat.

Restore WhatsApp

Select restore and wait a while until the whatsapp chat memory download process is complete. Later, deleted WhatsApp messages will appear by themselves.

In performing the restore feature, make sure the internet is running without problems. The restore feature displays all the information that has been backed up before.

If previously also included content to be saved, then when the restore process is complete the content will appear again. Deleted chats will return as before with a complete description of the time and information.

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Well, the steps above are quite easy, right? So when you experience an incident of losing information on WhatsApp, you don’t need to be confused because there are steps to restore deleted WhatsApp chats above.

Whatsapp as an application product tries to make it easier for users when experiencing problems. The steps above include one of the convenience paths provided.