Scout Honor Code by Age Group
Scout Honor Code by Age Group: Standby, Promoter, Enforcer, Pandega and Adult – Scout Honor Code is a noble value or norm in Scout life that they make as a measure of awareness of the behavior of Scout members in the community.
The Scout Code contains promises and dharmas (Satya and Dharma) whose contents differ according to the age of the Scout members. Broadly speaking, the contents are actually the same, only the Scouts specifically classify them based on the age of the person. There are several age groups in the Scout Honor Code:
Standby Scouts (7 – 10 years)
- Promise (Dwi Satya)
- Dharma (Dwi Dharma)
Scout Raising (11 – 15 years)
- Promise (Tri Satya)
- Dharma (Dasa Dharma)
Enforcement Scouts (16 – 20 years)
- Promise (Tri Satya)
- Dharma (Dasa Dharma)
Adult Member Scouts
- Promise (Tri Satya)
- Dharma (Dasa Dharma)
Each code above is different according to each age group.
As for the meaning of Satya and Darma that you must know before entering the content of the text of Satya and Darma which is a Scout honor code.
Definition of Satya and Dharma in Scout Honorary Code
Boy Scouts
Is a promise made voluntarily by a prospective Scout member after fulfilling the membership requirements.
It can also be a personal act of self-improvement by voluntarily implementing and keeping promises.
The mention of Satya is also often referred to as Dwisatya and Trisatya. Dwi means two and Tri means three. Depends on the content of the honor code.
Dharma is the behavior or practice of an attitude that is applied to the daily life of Scout members. In the Scout honor code, it is often referred to as Dasa Darma, which means Dasa itself is 10 and Darma means behavior.
This code of ethics becomes the guideline for members in behaving in their daily lives.
The following is a Scout honor code based on the age of the Scout members.
Scouts Code of Honor: Standby, Raise, Enforcer and Adult
1. Standby Scout Honor Code
Dwi Satya Scout Standby
In my honor, I promise to mean it:
- Carry out my obligations to God, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and follow family etiquette
- Do good every day
Dwi Darma Scout Standby
- Standby to be devoted to Mom and Dad
- Be brave and don’t give up
2. Scouting Honorary Code
Tri Satya Scout Raising
For my honor, I promise and mean it:
- Carry out my obligations to God, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and practice Pancasila
- Help others live and prepare to build society
- Obeying the Dasa Dharma
Dasa Darma Scout Raising
The Scout:
- Fear of God Almighty
- Love for nature and affection to us fellow human
- Courteous and chivalrous patriot
- Obedient and likes to discuss
- Willing to help and steadfast
- Diligent, skilled and happy
- Thrifty, careful and unpretentious
- Discipline, brave and loyal
- Responsible and trustworthy
- Pure in thought, word and deed
3. Enforcement and Adult Scout Honor Code
Tri Satya Scouts for Enforcement and Adults
For my honor, I promise and mean it:
- Carry out my obligations to God, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and practice Pancasila
- Help others live and prepare to build society
- Obeying the Dasa Dharma
Dasa Darma Scouts for Enforcement and Adults
The Scout:
- Fear of God Almighty
- Love for nature and affection to us fellow human
- Courteous and chivalrous patriot
- Obedient and likes to discuss
- Willing to help and steadfast
- Diligent, skilled and happy
- Thrifty, careful and unpretentious
- Discipline, brave and loyal
- Responsible and trustworthy
- Pure in thought, word and deed
From the description above, the Scout honor code touches various aspects of life. All are related to good character for others, society, family, self, nature, environment and God Almighty.
Read also:
One way to obey the Scout honor code is by volunteering. Do it willingly, and make the code of ethics a guide for your life. Scouts are good figures, every Scout member must also be a good human being.
That’s a collection of Scout honor codes that Scouts need to know. Each code is distinguished depending on spiritual readiness, physically seen from age.
For the standby age, the code that they have to fulfill is only 2 Satya and 2 Darma. Apart from Standby, everything is the same.