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How to Use OVO PayLater for Shopping

How to Use OVO PayLater

How do I use OVO PayLater to shop at Tokopedia? And what products can be purchased using PayLater? Let’s take a look at the following reviews together.

PayLater is a new term for the existing installment system, the difference with this system is that we don’t need to use a credit card, the process is quite complicated and we have to deal with the bank first to make it.

With excellence”Buy now, pay later” is a concept given by PayLater as a modern installment application. There are many startups that introduce this product, such as OVO.

For very easy conditions, you only need to prepare a photo of your ID card and a selfie photo with your ID for the submission process. In full, you can read our article entitled How to register OVO PayLater. There we have explained also starting from the requirements to how to activate it.

But there are still many users who are confused about how to use this ovo paylater, they are confused about what items can be purchased and how the calculation system is. I suggest that before activating, you should understand very well what will be used.

How to Use OVO PayLater on Tokopedia

How to Use OVO PayLater on Tokopedia

OVO is collaborating with one of the leading e-commerce sites, namely Tokopedia to present OVO PayLater which aims to facilitate the shopping process for Tokopedia users.

Here’s how to use OVO PayLater:

  1. First, open the Tokopedia application.
  2. Login account, if not, please register.
  3. Select the Account menu in the lower right corner.
  4. Click Activate Now! (OVO Paylater).
  5. Click Activate Now.
  6. Wait a moment, you will give a verification code to the OVO number.
  7. Enter the verification code.
  8. Upload KTP (Selfie holding KTP, make sure the photo is clear).
  9. Fill in all requested IDs.
  10. Read the terms and conditions that apply.
  11. Wait for the activation process, it usually takes about 1 hour.
  12. Open the Tokopedia application, if there is no “Activate Now” reading, it means that the activation process has been successful.
  13. Try shopping for any product and choose a payment method with OVO PayLater.
  14. Bill checks can be done every 27th by email or through the OVO PayLater application.
  15. Payment can be paid in full immediately or can pay 50% in advance before the due date (1st).

Like regular shopping at Tokopedia, the difference is when choosing a payment method we use OVO PayLater as payment. And make sure the goods you buy do not exceed the limit that has been determined by OVO, normally it is a maximum of 10 million rupiah.

Meanwhile, for the activation process, make sure the selfie photo with the ID card is very clear. Because if there is even the slightest blur, it is possible that the application will not be accepted due to data validation that does not match or fails.

What Products Can Be Purchased with OVO PayLater?

You can buy all products or goods on Tokopedia except for credit card bills, gift cards, donations, credit installments, zakat, gold and mutual funds. In addition, there are several merchants that can use the Ovo Paylater payment method.

Who Can Use OVO PayLater?

Currently, the use of OVO PayLater is only available for people who live in big cities such as Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Bandung, Surabaya, Tangerang, Semarang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Medan, Makassar, Malang and Surakarta.

OVO PayLater Cannot Be Used

According to Tokopedia itself, the use of OVO PayLater has been temporarily frozen. This is due to the corona virus pandemic which has caused the economy in Indonesia to decline. But don’t worry, do the steps below to still be able to use OVO PayLater if it’s normal.

  • Make sure to buy goods that do not exceed the OVO PayLater limit.
  • Don’t make changes to the data on your Tokopedia account, because if you change your data such as your cellphone number, your OVO account will be temporarily blocked for a maximum of 2×24 hours.
  • If you’re using a promo code, make sure it’s not a specific payment method.
  • Transactions made with OVO PayLater are not in the form of digital products such as credit card payments, donations, zakat, credit installments, e-money, gift cards and financial products such as mutual funds and e-gold.

If you have done some of the steps above but OVO PayLater still cannot be used, please contact Tokopedia.

Also read: How to Get OVO Points

OVO PayLater Freeze

Some users are experiencing a freeze on their OVO account. This can be caused by several things such as the following:

  • The user has not paid the total bill (Account can be reused after all bills are paid in full).
  • Users make changes to personal data in the OVO application such as email and cellphone numbers. For security reasons the account will be frozen for 2×24 hours (2 days).
  • Based on a review or manual assessment by OVO on the user’s OVO PayLater account.

However, if you feel that you are not doing the things above, please contact OVO CS via the “Send Report” form if you are still unable to use OVO PayLater for other reasons.

OVO PayLater Maintenance

OVO PayLater Maintenance

I myself found this notification in my Tokopedia application when I entered the OVO PayLater page. At first I thought it was because ovo was doing system repairs, but after checking every day the warning still appears. And here I conclude that OVO PayLater is not available at my domicile (because I live in a place not listed above) meaning that I do not meet the requirements to activate OVO Paylater.

Why is the OVO PayLater Menu Missing?

Some time ago users were confused because the Ovo Paylater menu was missing from their Tokopedia application. I have explained above that this is caused by the virus pandemic which has caused the country’s economic level to decline. But don’t worry because now the menu appears again.

Tips for Using OVO PayLater Wisely

Don’t get carried away with this kind of service and end up becoming consumptive and habitual. This service is easy to use because it does not require complicated requirements and can also apply directly from the cellphone.

But remember that debt is still debt, especially if we use an Ovo Paylater intermediary which is one of the companies engaged in fintech, of course they don’t want to lose. Every transaction that uses this service will be subject to fees such as interest charges. The bigger the loan you use, the greater the interest that must be paid.

However, using OVO PayLater is the last option. If you really need it, you should look for a loan from a friend who does not have interest. Because if you have to deal with interest-bearing money, it seems to be very hard and difficult to pay it off. We tend to always have no time and there is always a need even though there is money to pay.

Also read: How to Transfer OVO Points to OVO Cash

That’s how to use ovo paylater to shop at Tokopedia. Hopefully this article is useful and gives you an idea of ​​what it’s like when you use this service later.