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History of Indonesian and World Scouts (Complete)

History of Indonesian Scouts

Learn about Indonesian and World Scout History – Everyone who has ever attended school is familiar with scouting activities. One type of activity that is made mandatory extracurricular activities in elementary schools and selected extracurricular activities in secondary schools.

History of Indonesian and World Scouts

In this scout activity, all students who are members will be taught life skills in the open, line up and forge themselves to become better human beings.

If you have talked about scouts, then it cannot be separated from the name of Lord Baden Powell, who is known as the Father of Scouts of the World. Scouting itself is not only carried out in Indonesia.

Many other countries organize this activity. So that every year there is an activity called a jamboree where all scout activists gather together.

Definition of Scouts

Definition of Scouts

Before exploring the history of scouts in Indonesia and the world, it is better to first understand what scouts are. Pramuka is an abbreviation of Praja Muda Karana.

Read also : Dasa Dharma Scouts

This is an organization or scouting movement that is a place or place to get scouting education in Indonesia. Globally, this movement is referred to as Scout which means Scouting.

In the scout membership there are four groups grouped by age. There are scouts on standby (7-10 years), raisers (11-15 years), enforcers (16-20 years) and pandega (21-25 years).

As for the other scout groups, who usually serve in the management, are the Coaches, Mainstays, Corps of Trainers, Pamong Saka, Kwartir Staff and the Advisory Council.

To be able to join as a scout member, a person must first be sworn in by making a scout promise (satya) which amounts to three points. This promise came to be known as the trisatya.

After becoming a member, a scout or scout boy must carry out the ten dharmas of scouts known as dasadharma.

The History of the Scouting

The History of the Scouting

The beginning of the founding of the scout movement came from an Englishman named Robert Baden Powell. He used to be a soldier who fought to defend his country.

When he returned to his hometown in 1907, he found that the book he had written during his time in the army, entitled Aids to Scoutingturned out to be popular in the market and even used by teachers and youth organizations.

Lord Baden Powell decided to rewrite this book to suit a young audience. But before carrying out his intention, he tested his idea by holding a camp.

This funeral is done with 22 boys from different backgrounds on the island brown sea England on July 25, 1907. The history of scouts in Indonesia and the world began with this simple activity.

The teenagers then form scout troop spontaneously and this Scout movement stood up accidentally. Initially this movement only appeared at the national level in England. But slowly turned into an international movement.

This development grew along with the development of the Boys’ Brigade which was founded by Sir William Alexander Smith.

In 1908, the first all Scouts meeting was held in Crystal Palace. In this place and year, Baden Powell found the first Pandu Puteri movement.

Meanwhile, Pandu Puteri Baden Powell’s care was founded in 1910 under the supervision of his sister, Agnes Baden Powell. In 1910, Baden Powell finally officially stopped serving in the army and continued to advance the scout movement.

World Scout History

World Scout History

After succeeding with his trials, Lord Baden Powell wrote a scouting guide book of 6 volumes in 1908. This book really had a great influence on the youth of the world.

After successfully establishing boy scouts and girls guides (the name for girl scouts), in 1916 a scout organization was established for the standby age.

The name of the scout organization for these children is Cub which means wolf boy.

Two years later, in 1918, Rover Scout was founded. This scout unit was created to accommodate children aged around 17 years old.

Before founding these two scouting organizations, in 1912, Baden Powell had time to travel to New York in the framework of the first world scouting tour.

Until finally in 1920, on August 8, one of the world’s scout history took place. This year jamboree world’s first takes place.

The event was held at Olympus Hall, London, England. The Jamboree was attended by 34 countries with the number of participants reaching 800 people.

It was at this event that Lord Baden Powell was finally named as the Chief Scout of the World.

In the same year, the International Council of Scouting Organizations was formed. This organization has nine members and London is used as the headquarters of the world scouting secretariat office.

His office was then moved to Ottawa, Canada in 1958. But moved back to Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 until now.

History of Indonesian Scouts

History of Indonesian Scouts can be said to be almost as old as the history of scouting in the world. The Indonesian national scouting movement has been around since 1912, at which time the Dutch were still in power. Therefore, it is not surprising that the periodization of scouting in Indonesia was divided into three periods, namely the period of the Dutch East Indies, the period of World War II and the period after Indonesia’s independence.

History of Indonesian Scouts

The idea of ​​scouting itself was originally brought by the Dutch who came to the archipelago. In the place of origin, the Dutch have established a scouting named Padvinder.

This influence then gave rise to two scouting organizations in the country by opening a branch of the Nederlandsche Padvinders Organisatie (NPO) in 1912.

The organization was later renamed Nederlands-Indische Padvinders Veerniging (NIPV) in 1916.

In the same year, the first youth organization formed by the Indonesian nation was formed. The organization was named Javaansche Padvinders Organization (JPO) which was established by SP Mangkunegara VII.

The emergence of this youth organization did not stop there. Several other organizations have sprung up, both those with religious values, nationalism and struggle.

The history of scouts in Indonesia records that there were approximately five other organizations that were formed.

For example Padvinder Muhammadiyah belonging to the religious organization Muhammadiyah, headquartered in Yogyakarta. This name was later changed to Hizbul Wathan (HW) in 1920.

Then there is nationale Padvinderij which was founded by Budi Utomo who is also a youth organization.

Next there is Afdeling Padvinderij Islamic Society (SIAP) which was founded by Syarikat Islam.

Then Nationale Islamietische Padvinderij (NATIPIJ) by Jong Islamieten Bond.

The last is INPO or Indonesische Nationale Padvinderij Organisatie which is the result of the unification of the Nationale Padvinderij Organisatie (NPO) and Jong Indonesische Padvinderij Organisatie (JIPO).

Because there were so many scouting organizations, on May 23, 1928, the Indonesian Pandu Brotherhood (PAPI) was formed.

In 1930, PAPI united to become KBI or Indonesian National Scouts which was pioneered by figures from other organizations besides those who founded the scouting.

In 1938, PAPI later developed into the Central Board of Indonesian Scout Brotherhood (BPPKI).

In 1928-1935, it can be said that the development of scouting was progressing rapidly. Various scouting from various organizations are increasingly emerging.

All Indonesian Jamboree

To promote unity and integrity, BPPKI finally initiated the idea to carry out All Indonesian Jamboree. In the process, this activity underwent several changes.

So far, the National Jamboree has been held 10 times. The following is a complete list of Jamnas that have been implemented:

  1. 1973 1st National Jamboree: Situ Baru, Jakarta
  2. 1977 2nd National Jamboree: Sibolangit, North Sumatra
  3. 1981 3rd National Jamboree: Cibubur, Jakarta
  4. 1986 4th National Jamboree: Cibubur, Jakarta
  5. 1991 5th National Jamboree: Cibubur, Jakarta
  6. 1996 6th National Jamboree: Cibubur, Jakarta
  7. 7th National Jamboree 2001: Baturaden Central Java
  8. 8th National Jamboree 2006: Jatinangor, West Java
  9. 9th National Jamboree 2011: Teluk Gelam Lake Ogan Ilir South Sumatra
  10. 10th National Jamboree 2022: Cibubur, Jakarta.

So is the name. The official name of this activity is “Indonesian Scout Camp Oemoem” which is abbreviated as PERKINO. This event was held on 19-23 July 1941 in Yogyakarta.

The history of scouts in Indonesia continues to the time of World War II. It can be said that these times are difficult times. Many organizational and party activities are prohibited.

Likewise with scout activities which have grown quite large. Despite the prohibition, PERKINO II keep running.

Precisely this prohibition makes the spirit within the Indonesian people more flaming and ultimately strengthens unity and integrity.

The third period of scouting began after the declaration of independence was made. A month after the proclamation, several scouting figures gathered in Yogyakarta.

In this meeting they agreed to form the Indonesian Scout Unity Committee. Until then, the Indonesian Scouting Unity Congress was held on 2-29 December 1945 in Surakarta.

In this congress the “Promise of the Sakti Association” and Pandu Rakyat Indonesia were formed as the only Indonesian scouting organization recognized through a decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture on May 1, 1947.

However, the decision was annulled because of the Dutch ban on scouting. This incident gave rise to Indonesian Boy Scouts (KPI), Indonesian Puteri Scouts (PPI) and Young Indonesian Scouts (KIM).

After going through difficult times, on May 20-22, 1950, the Second Congress of Indonesian People’s Scouts was held in Yogyakarta.

In this congress decided several new concepts such as providing special opportunities for certain groups to revive their respective organizations.

It was also stated at this congress that Pandu Rakyat Indonesia was no longer the only scouting forum in this country and its provisions were repealed on September 6, 1951.

After the disbandment of PRI, on September 16, 1951 IPINDO (Indonesian Pandu Association) was formed. In 1953 IPINDO succeeded in becoming one of the world’s scouting members.

Indonesian Scout Movement

As for the Scouts themselves, they were born in 1961, on August 14, 1961 to be exact. The emergence of scouts was a reaction to the increasing number of scouting in Indonesia.

In addition to forming scouts, in this event an inauguration was also carried out starting from Mapinas, Kwarnas and Kwarnari. Hamengku Bowono IX was then appointed as the first Scout Leader.

Thus a little history of Indonesian and world scouts. Knowing a little history about the scouting movement will further increase the love for the scouting movement and its teachings.