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Here are 5 General Administration Duties that You Must Know

General Administration Tasks

General Administration Tasks – Interested in becoming an admin? This is the general administrative task that must be known. For companies, banks, hospitals, finance and school institutions, they must know what their duties and skills are needed.

General Administration Tasks

One of the positions that are usually targeted in work, especially offices, is a general administration position.

This position is indeed a promising position, it can also be said that the stages of a career path are better than the staff below him.

Of course to be an admin you must have track record who are good or do have an educational background that supports it.

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So, before you actually jump in and apply to a company to become an admin, it would be nice if you first knew what general administrative tasks you do every day?

Check out the review below until it’s finished, yes!

General Administration Tasks

1. Complex and Not Easy Tasks

Complex and Not Easy Tasks

Being an admin is certainly a responsibility that cannot be called easy. When viewed from the task alone, the admin has a complex task.

Don’t get me wrong, what you will be dealing with later is not just a matter of files, you know!

You as an admin also have to think about the resources owned by the office, whether they are properly utilized by employees or not.

Likewise with its human resources, properly controlling the facilities provided or not.

In addition, general administrative duties also include approaching other staff.

Because an admin will definitely work and intersect with each part of the deficit so they must establish a good relationship.

Admin also of course must do data recap, also organize it in a structured manner.

Well, above is the overall task of an admin. There are also special tasks or core tasks, you know, here’s the review!

2. Receiving Phone Calls

Receiving Phone Calls

One of the duties of an admin is in the field of telecommunications on this one. Admin is indeed the one who deals the most and is responsible for answering phone calls from outside.

The admin will also connect the call to whom the call is addressed.

This is usually the case in small to medium sized companies. Because, in large companies this phone call will be directly handled by Customer Service.

In addition, general administrative duties are also the person who connects the office with business relations or clients.

This relationship is of course for office business matters, and so on. An admin is usually the one who will represent the office.

3. Make an Agenda

Making an Agenda

This is also the job of an admin. Usually, after answering a phone call from a client, there are clients who want to meet with the head of another company or division.

In addition to the admin who must connect it with the division concerned, the admin must also make an agenda for the meeting.

However, this cannot be done alone. Admin must also cooperate or at least ask the head of the company or division concerned about their schedule.

This will prevent the schedule from colliding with one another. Therefore, an admin must be communicative.

4. Entering Company Data

Entering Company Data

This general administrative task requires precision and accuracy. Being an admin does have to have a variety of complex skills, yes.

Entry or recap data is the main task of an admin. Whether it’s incoming data from clients, monthly recap data, and so on.

For this reason, in-depth accuracy is needed, especially in sorting the addresses and telephone numbers of the client’s offices so that they are easy to find.

Take it easy, in this case an admin does not work alone. If the company already has its own division, the admin only needs to record the final results of the recapitulation.

For example, for the warehouse division, it means that your task only has to coordinate with the divisional division which records all recaps, and makes a global summary with other divisions in your recapitulation task.

5. Data Archiving

Data Archiving

The next general administrative task is to archive office data. Starting from document data to other data, it must be archived so that it becomes organized and easy to find.

This archiving is also done periodically, usually there are archives per month. Later, at the end of the year, there will be bookkeeping which is a form of globalized monthly filing.

So, all documents will be neatly organized and easy to find by month and year.

Those are some of the duties of an admin in the office. Given the many and vital tasks, it’s no wonder that the selection to become an admin is strict for an office, isn’t it?

Usually, the office will set certain conditions such as having an educational background in office administration, female, and single.

What are the requirements to become a general administrator?

requirements for general administration

In addition, some offices are also considering the last education of their prospective admins to occupy their offices.

Some allow a D2 in Office Administration, but if the office includes a bona fide, usually the minimum education is S1 Administration because general administrative tasks do require high skills and abilities.

Prospect to Become Admin

Does this office admin have good prospects in the future? Of course the answer is yes. Because, as is known, industrial development in Indonesia is growing rapidly.

Nowadays, there are many companies start up which develops in the country, and of course requires the services of an admin in every office.

Given this, of course the opportunity to become an admin is very high in the future.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong for those of you who are currently confused about what major to study in college, just take the Office Administration major.

Another advantage offered by being an admin is a higher salary compared to other staff.

Because general administrative tasks are also many and require a lot of expertise, the salary for admin is usually above the salary of the staff below it in general.

For that, there is no need to doubt if you want to be an admin in an office.

The experience of being an admin will also be appreciated by various other companies if one day you want to change jobs and find a new atmosphere.

Other companies who see your CV and experience as an admin will certainly appreciate this more.

You can also be placed again as an admin of the company because of the experience you have written on your CV.

An admin must be communicative and able to listen to complaints from the staff under him, because usually the admin will also be a liaison between other staff and superiors.

If there is a problem related to performance, your boss will certainly look for the admin as the first person to ask.

This general administrative task is not explained in writing, but usually it will be very influential. A good admin will be liked by all other staff, as well as by superiors.

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Well, that’s a review of general administrative tasks in the office. How, after knowing if you are more interested in becoming an admin? May be useful!