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Definition, History, and Function [Lengkap]

Slayer Ax

Understanding, History, and Functions of the Impact Ax! An ax is a tool used to chop wood, cut down trees, and can even be used as a war tool. This ax is made of stone or metal tied with a piece of wood as a handle.

In its development, this ax has existed since the paleolithic era or in the stone age in the pre-literate era. During this stone age, many types of axes appeared. One of them is an ax made of stone called perimbas.

Slayer Ax

Slayer Ax

The forage ax is one of the axes that has appeared since the stone age. This ax is made of stone that only has one side of a very sharp eye. Uniquely, this ax does not have a handle like today’s axes. So, humans at this time immediately held the ax at the tip of the stone.

Characteristically, this ax still has a very rough texture and surface so that this ax can be used to cut meat and things like that. Even humans at this time used it for hunting and gathering food.

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These axes are widely found in Indonesia, such as South Sumatra, Bali, Flores, Pacitan, Lampung, and many other places where these axes are found. This proves that in the territory of the State of Indonesia the existence of perimbas is quite high.

History of Development in the World

impact ax function

The Stone Age is an era that occurred in the period 2.6 to 1.7 million years ago. In this era, people are smart to use stones to meet their daily needs. This is evidenced by the discovery of a number of household appliances in Europe, East Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

History of Development in Indonesia

the characteristics of the forage ax

In addition to the world, the development of this perimbas ax also occurs in the territory of Indonesia. In Indonesia, this research was started in 1935 by Koeningsswald who conducted research in the Punung area in Pacitan, East Java.

Koeningsswald has the opinion that his findings are the same as those in Europe at the beginning of the stone age.

The ax found in Pacitan was the beginning of a real study of the development of stone artifacts in the archipelago.

Some of the places where this stone ax was found include Kalianda in Lampung, Awal Bangkal in South Kalimantan, Sembira and Trunyan in Bali, and East Nusa Tenggara.

Although there are many places where this ax is found, there is one place where the most perimbas ax is found, namely in Pacitan, East Java.

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In fact, there are so many and various forms, Heekeren divides this ax into several types, namely iron type, turtle type, and side drawstring.

impact ax specifications

This type of iron is an ax type that has a shape resembling an iron. This type has a convex cross-section and very firm flakes.

While the turtle type is this type of ax which has a rounded cross section and rises at the top like a turtle.

The last type is the side drawstring type. This type of impact ax is slightly different from the two types above. This type has one sharp edge. In addition, the shape of the surface of this type is also irregular.

Use of the Sweeping Ax

the function of the impact ax and the hand axe

Based on the results of the research, the use of this ax started from the hunting period, gathering and gathering food, planting crops, until the perundagian period.

That way, the use of this ax closely follows the development of humans in the paleolithic or stone age.

At the time of hunting, axes were used to hunt prey so that it could be eaten by all humans at that time.

Several types of humans that support this civilization are Megantropus Paleojavanicus, Pithecantropus Erectus, Homo Soloensis, Wajakensis, Homo Erectus, and even Homo sapiens.

At this time, the ax which was given the name of the perimbas was used for hunting and chopping up the meat of the game.

Not only land animals, pre-literate humans also used this stone ax to hunt fish in the river. So, this one ax is very important to take part in helping daily life.

The Process of Making the Impact Ax

hatchet in the times

In the stone age, axes were made using two stones that were useful for sharpening and cutting and splitting stone hearts. Later, one side of the stone will be made sharp, while the other side is made natural as a handle so that the ax is easier to hold.

The types of stones used to make these axes also vary. Types of stone that are often used include quartz, basalt, obsidian, rinjiang and quartzite. The use of this stone is based on stones that are easily found at that time.

The Function of the Ax of Influence in Pre-literate Life

In Indonesia, perimbas axes are found in many areas

In determining the function of the impact ax, there are no definite functions. However, some experts draw conclusions based on the results of research and the theory used. Here are some of its functions.

1. Cutting and Pounding

Still as the name implies, the ax is used for cutting and pounding. During hunting and gathering, this ax was used for hunting and cutting and slashing the meat of the prey to be distributed and consumed by the ancient people at that time.

In addition, this slashing ax is also used to pound nuts and trees to get the fiber. These fibers will later be collected together and used as clothing.

2. Helping Nomadic Human Life

In the stone age, human life still had a nomadic nature, or moved from one place to another to live.

At this time, prehistoric life was very dependent on natural conditions. With this axe, pre-literate humans could continue hunting to other places according to their culture.

3. L. Binfors Teori theory

An expert named L. Binfors proposed a theory which states that pre-literate humans did not hunt animals, but rather collected the remains of hunting carnivores in the wild. This forage ax is only used to cut leftover meat to eat.

The theory was put forward from the shape and characteristics of the ax that it was impossible to hunt. Even though the ax is made of sharp stone, it takes at least tens of people to kill and hunt one large animal at the same time.

4. The theory of P. Shipman and R. Potss

Not much different from L. Binfors. P. Shipman and R. Potss found evidence that pre-literate humans only used chopping axes to scavenge meat from other animals’ prey. Evidence of this is in the form of the discovery of several food scraps that have a tooth mark.

With some of the above understanding, it can be concluded that the existence of this ax greatly influenced the development of human life during the stone age. Starting from a very simple life to being used to help with daily activities.

Thus an explanation of the meaning, history, and function of the impact ax. Even though the stone age has ended, it doesn’t mean that ax technology is abandoned.

In this modern era, there are still some people who use axes to help their activities. Hopefully some of the things above can add knowledge and can be useful for everyday life.