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Administration Fee Deduction Date (All Banks)

administration fee

What is the date of the BCA, BRI, Mandiri, BNI and other bank administration deductions? Having a bank account is indeed a necessity in today’s era of globalization, with various needs ranging from receiving a salary, investing, saving and others.

By becoming a bank customer, we can enjoy all the services provided, starting from money transfers, withdrawing money at ATMs, paying for groceries through mobile banking, paying electricity bills, and guaranteed money security. So that of the many services provided, of course the bank also requires operational costs for all available services.

From that there is a name administrative costs charged to the customer. And usually this fee will be taken by the bank once a month. And of course at the beginning of the account creation the customer also agreed to these terms.

And that includes one of the bank’s income as operational costs, of course this is based on the type of savings used. So at a bank before opening an account, we will be given several choices of types of ATM cards or savings that have their respective advantages and limits.

However, it turns out that there are still many customers who don’t know the date of the administrative cut made by the bank, so some customers started complaining because their balance suddenly decreased without making a transaction.

That’s why we need to know when the bank will charge an administration fee. In some banks, the account administration fee and the ATM card fee are deducted separately, but some are directly combined.

To be more clear, please see the explanation below:

BCA Administration Deduction Date

For BCA stage accounts, administrative fees are charged according to the type of ATM card:

  • Mastercard Blue for IDR 15,000
  • Mastercard Gold for IDR 17,000
  • Mastercard Platinum for IDR 20,000

Meanwhile, the GPN ATM card is lower at IDR 1,000 and the administration fee is imposed on every third Friday of every month.

Specifically for the Tahapan Xpresi BCA account, an account administration fee of IDR 7,500 per month (as of May 2022) is charged.

Also read: 10 Types of BCA Savings

BRI Administration Discount Date

Bank BRI charges an account administration fee and an ATM card separately on the same date. For BRI accounts, administrative fees are charged with the following details:

  • Simpedes savings of Rp. 5,500, BRI private label card fees of Rp. 500 and cards bearing the Master Card logo of 1,000.
  • Britama Savings is subject to an account administration fee of Rp. 11,000 (if the balance is less than 10 million), Rp. 12,000 (if the balance is more than 10 million) and for ATM cards with the Master Card Classic logo, Rp. 2,000 and Rp. 6,500 for Gold.

Account administration fees and ATM card fees are charged every 16th of every month. Especially for Britama Muda or Britamax savings, account administration is charged Rp. 4,000 and an ATM card fee with the Master Card logo is Rp. 1,000.

Also read: How much is BRI Bank Deductions Per Month?

Independent Administration Discount Date

Bank Mandiri charges account and ATM card administration fees separately and on different dates. For the Mandiri Regular savings account, an account administration fee of IDR 12,500 is charged at the end of each month. There is an increase of IDR 1,000 from the previous IDR 11,000.

Meanwhile, the ATM card administration fee for silver is IDR 5,500 (as of May 2022), IDR 5,500 for Gold and IDR 8,500 for Platinum which is charged every month on the date when you first use the ATM card.

So for example, when opening an account on the 7th and receiving an ATM card instantly (without a name), every 7th, the ATM card fee will be charged.

BNI Administration Deduction Date

Bank Negara Indonesia or BNI charges ATM card and account administration fees separately on the same date. The type of BNI Taplus account is subject to an account administration fee of Rp. 11,000 and for an ATM card fee of Rp. 4,000 Silver (uppate 30 September 2022), Gold of Rp. 7,500 and Platinum of Rp. 10,000.

This fee is charged at the end of each month.

That way now we know what date the bank administration cut is made. If you find an unknown transaction of any size, report it immediately or you can ask directly by coming to the bank.