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5 Ways to Extend Indosat's Active Period with / Without Credit

How to Extend Indosat's Active Period

In order to continue to communicate with people, we must know how to extend Indosat’s active period so that the number remains active and does not enter the grace period.

To be able to continue to serve using an Indosat card, you must pay attention to the active period of the card you are using. You can check this grace period via the dial up menu, SMS, or from the MyIm3 application.

It’s easier if you check it via the dial up menu, just type *123# then call, select the ‘Status and Info’ menu then select ‘Check Status’.

If it says there is a grace period, you must extend the card’s active period. How to increase the active period of Indosat can be done in several ways.

But the most common is to extend using pulses, even so, there are still ways to extend the active period without credit. For more details, see the following explanation:

How to Extend the Active Period of Indosat Cards

1. Extending Indosat’s Active Period Through SMS

This method only applies if you still have credit on your Indosat card. So, if your card still has sufficient credit, and your card’s active period will expire in the near future, then you can extend the card’s active period by sending an SMS to the Indosat operator service.

This method is not free, you have to pay for a few rupiah pulses before getting the active period you want. The steps you can take are as follows:

  • Type active3 send to 555 via the SMS application on your cellphone, at a cost of Rp. 2000, – then the active period of your card will increase by 3 days.
  • Type active14 send to 555 via the SMS application on your cellphone, at a cost of Rp. 5000,- then the active period of your card will increase by 10 days.
  • Type active30 send to 555 via the SMS application on your cellphone, at a cost of Rp. 10,000, – then the active period of your card will increase by 30 days.
How to Extend the Active Period of Indosat Cards

This method is the most widely used because it is considered easier and cheaper. It’s enough with just 10 thousand credits, we can get an active period of 30 days or one month, cheap right?

Also read: How to Set Indosat APN

2. Extend Indosat’s Active Period by Purchasing Credit

This is one of the most common ways that mobile card users use to extend the card’s validity period. The nominal amount of credit that you do, will affect the length of the active period of your card renewal. The higher the nominal credit you buy, the longer the active period of your card.

If you make a credit purchase with a nominal value:

  • Rp. 5000, then your card will be extended for 7 days
  • Rp. 10,000 = 10 days
  • Rp. 25,000 = 30 days
  • Rp. 50,000 = 40 days
  • Rp. 75,000 = 45 days
  • Rp. 100,000 = 60 days
  • Rp. 150,000 = 90 days
  • Rp. 250,000 = 120 days
  • Rp. 500,000 = 120 days
  • Rp. 1,000,000 = 120

You can purchase credit through ATMs, Internet Banking, counters, online stores, and other credit-buying media.

You need to do this method if your Indosat card is in the grace period and you don’t have credit.

By topping up your credit, the active period of your card will automatically increase according to the nominal you paid.

Even though in the end the extension method uses credit, this method doesn’t cut your credit in the slightest. aka free.

3. How to Extend Indosat’s Active Period with Credit Transfer Method

How to extend the next active period of Indosat without forcing you to buy credit, because here you have to ask people to transfer credit to you.

You can ask for help from family or friends who use an Indosat card and have excessive credit to transfer the credit to your Indosat number. The method is quite simple:

1. Open the messaging app on your phone

2. Type Transferpulse(space)destination number(space)total nominalthen send to 151

Example: Transfer pulse 0855555555 50000

How to Extend Indosat's Active Period with Credit Transfer Method

3. Then send to 151

4. Wait a while until you get a reply SMS in the form of a token number

5. Reply to the message with the format OK(space)TOKEN

Example: OK 12345 (token example)

6. Send to 151

If it is successful, you will receive a message in the form of information that the credit transfer has been successful.

In each transfer process will be charged Rp. 600. And to transfer credit, the party who transfers must have the remaining balance after the transfer of at least Rp. 5000 + Rp. 600.

This method can be used for Indosat Mentari, Matrix Oredoo, and IM3 card users. The following is the active period that you will get based on the nominal credit transfer:

  • Rp. 5000 – IDR 10,000, the active period will increase by 3 days
  • Rp. 10,000 – Rp. 19,999 = 7 days
  • Rp. 20,000 – Rp. 25,000 = 15 days,
  • Rp. 50,000 – Rp. 100,000 = 22 days
  • Rp. 100,000 – Rp. 149.000 = 30 days
  • 150,000 – Rp. 199,000 = 45 days

4. How to Extend Indosat’s Active Period by Buying the Great Package IM3

With the great IM3 package, you can not only increase your active period, but also get telephone, SMS and internet packages. For those of you who have not registered with the IM3 great package, you can register first with the following format: Type REG(space)GREAT send to 2022.

After registration, you can purchase packages. Great package purchases can be made in 2 ways:

1. Via SMS

How to Extend Indosat's Active Period by Buying the Great Package IM3

Please send an SMS with the format GREAT send to 888. Done.

Automatically, your active period will be extended and you will receive SMS, telephone and internet packages.

2. Via Dial Up

how to extend the active period of Indosat

Type USSD code *123*888# on your phone menu, then press ‘Call’

To subscribe, use the LGN format, send to 888. You will be charged Rp. 500,- for each SMS sending, but it may vary in some cities. For price information, you can look at *123#.

5. How to Extend Indosat’s Active Period Without Credit (Exchange Points)

You can’t get points if you haven’t registered for Indosat smile points. How to register is easy, just register via SMS (send code SMILE send to 7887) or dial up (*123*7887#).

The registration fee is only Rp. 25 rupiah. If you haven’t registered, then you haven’t had the chance to collect points from our activities using the Indosat card.

But if you feel you have registered, you can try to check how many points you have by using this calling code: *123*7887*2#

The more points you have, the luckier you guys are. Because these points can be exchanged for various attractive offers such as exchanged for quotas, free calls, SMS and don’t forget to exchange them for an active period.

The number of points and the active period you get can be seen as follows:

  • 25 points, for 1 week active period
  • 50 points, for 2 weeks active period
  • 75 points, for 3 weeks active period
  • 100 points, for 4 weeks active period
  • And multiples

How to convert points into active period is very easy:

Type MA(space)NUMBER OF POINTS send to 7887.

Notice: The Indosat Smile Points program ended on December 31, 2022, for more information you can read here.

To continue to monitor the card’s active period, remaining credit, remaining quota and attractive promos, you can use the myIM3 application by downloading it on the Play Store for Android and the App Store for iPhone.

Also read: How to Check Indosat Numbers

This application is very useful for Indosat card users because it can monitor the status of cards and active packages. It can even be used to buy internet packages, buy credit and also active periods.

Those are some ways to extend Indosat’s active period. Please choose according to your needs. Good luck.