3 Ways to Track Mobile Numbers Through Accurate GPS Satellites
There are two types of satellites, namely natural satellites and artificial satellites. Natural satellites come from nature, such as the moon or the planets around us.
The satellite for the earth itself is filled by the moon, while the earth can also be a satellite for other planets and vice versa. You can’t use this type of satellite to trace a cell phone number.
The artificial satellite is a satellite made by humans that is placed in an orbit that functions as a tool for monitoring the weather, communication tools, and so on.
Apart from being used for these purposes, you can also use satellite to track someone’s cellphone number. With only an Android cellphone, GPS and man-made satellites, here’s how to track a cellphone number via satellite.
How to track a cellphone number via GPS satellites
Here are the easiest steps to trace a cell phone number via satellite.
The First Way: Tracking Mobile Numbers Via Satellite with SAT GPS Tracker
Step 1: Use Your Favorite Browser
We highly recommend that you use Google Chrome if you open it on an Android phone, because Chrome is known to be lighter and is the most recommended site for you to open later.
Step 2: Visit SAT GPS Tracker Website
Visit the SAT GPS Tracker website to start tracking your cellphone number, or enter the https://www.sat-gps-tracker.com/ link in the search box. You will be directed to the official SAT GPS Tracker page.
The above website is not only easy to use, it’s also free to access. So very recommended.
Step 3: Enter the Destination Number You Want To Track Its Whereabouts
Later, a list of countries and phone number codes will appear as well as a form box where you fill in your mobile number.
Since Indonesia’s country code is +62, select the country along with the code and enter the mobile number you want to track.
Code: +62
Phone Number: 6281111111111
After that click the ‘Search’ button to start the search.
Step 4: Wait A Moment
The site will look for where the number is located. You just have to wait until the process is complete.
Second Way: Tracking Mobile Numbers Via Satellite with LacakGSM
Apart from SAT GPS Tracker, there are other websites that you can use. Using TrackGSM to track someone’s whereabouts with just their cellphone number is very easy, and it’s also free.
Step 1: Go to GSM Tracking Site
Open the LacakGSM site at the following link: lacakgsm.com
Use your favorite browser, such as Chrome.
Step 2: Register an Account on TrackGSM
Before using this site, you must first create an account.
Fill in all the registration forms, then tick the captcha to prove you are not a robot. Click the ‘Register Now’ button.
If successful, then you already have an account at TrackGSM.
Step 3: Login to your TrackGSM Account
Immediately log in using the account you just created. Enter the correct username and password, after that you can start to experience all the features in LacakGSM for free.
Step 4: Track Your Target Mobile Number
Click the dropdown menu, then look for the ‘Tracking Navigation’ option and then select ‘Track Number’.
Enter the mobile number you want to track, then click the button to start tracking. Just wait until the data appears on the screen.
The Third Way: Tracking Mobile Numbers Via Satellite with Ceebydith
Ceebydith is the site of choice for tracking cellphone numbers via other satellites that you can use if the two sites above are not suitable for you to use.
Step 1: Go to Ceebydith Site
Use Google Chrome browser for faster search. Go to the site https://ceebydith.com/cek-hlr-location-hp.html
This site is faster, simpler and there is no need to register first to access it.
Step 2: Enter the Mobile Number You Want To Track
Enter the mobile number in the box provided. After logging in, click the search button and wait for the results.
Step 3: Wait A Moment, The Result Will Be Visible
The location where the owner of the number is located will appear on your GPS display.
You can use this method of tracking cell phone numbers via satellite for urgent purposes. But don’t use it for evil things like spying on people’s movements.