3 Ways to Overcome Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003
If your laptop or computer uses VGA from Nvidia, have you ever encountered a message that reads Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003? Actually this problem is common for Nvidia Gforce VGA users. However, if you are not comfortable with this problem, then here are some ways to solve Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003 that you need to try.
You need to know, to solve the problem in the form of Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003 is actually very easy. You don’t need to take your used PC or laptop to a repairman or replace the VGA you use. So, here are some ways to help you deal with this problem.
1. Using Nvidia Telemetry
It can be said that Nvidia Telemetry is the most common cause of this Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003 problem.
For that, you can try to use Nvidia Telemetry so that it can be applied to the desktop.
If you don’t know how to use Nvidia Telemetry, then you can follow some of the steps below.
- First press the key combination “Win + R” to open the Run menu in Windows.
- If the Run menu is already open, then type the command “services.msc” and press the enter key on the keyboard.
- After that, you need to search for Nvidia Telemetry Containers then right click.
- Then select the Properties option and click on the Log On tab.
- In the Allow service to interact with desktop section, you need to tick it.
- Finally, click on the Apply city and click OK.
2. Reset Network Adapter
Actually, you can solve the Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003 problem by resetting the Network Adapter.
Of course, you can apply this one method to Windows 7, Windows 8, and also Windows 10. Well, here are the steps you can try to reset the Network Adapter on a PC or laptop.
- First you can open the Run menu by pressing the “Win + R” key.
- After that, type “CMD” and click Shift + Ctrl + Enter simultaneously.
- When the CMD box is open, you need to type the command in the form of “netsh winsock reset” then click Enter.
- Later, a message will appear indicating if you have successfully reset the Network Adapter on your laptop or PC.
- If you have, then you can restart the PC or laptop you are using first.
3. Reinstall Geforce Experience
If the two methods described previously didn’t work, then this problem can be ascertained from the Geforce Experience itself. So the way to solve this problem is to reinstall Geforce Experience. You can try reinstalling Gefoce Experience with the following steps.
- First open Control panel and delete all Nvidia Geforce Experience present on your PC or laptop.
- After that, you need to download the latest version of Geforce Experience on the internet.
- If the download process is completely finished, then you only need to install the Geforce Experience application.
- Then don’t forget to restart the PC or laptop before using it again.
Some of the ways to overcome the Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003 above are indeed quite easy to do. But you still need to be careful so that new errors do not occur in other components. With this, you will no longer see a message in the form of Geforce Experience Code 0x003 again on the screen of the PC or laptop you are using.