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Tips for Playing Irithel Correctly So He Becomes the Strongest MM in Mobile Legends

Here are tips on how to play Irithel properly and correctly so that she becomes the strongest marksman (mm) hero in Mobile Legends, pay close attention.

Irithel is the only marksman hero with enormous damage in the late game, this one hero is really very deadly if you have full items.

Seeing his ability to be so op, in the end many players use it, but unfortunately there are also many players who don’t understand how to play Irithel.

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So regarding that, SPIN Esports has tips on how to play Irithel properly and correctly so that she becomes the strongest marksman (mm) hero in Mobile Legends.

Objective Focus

Mm the strongest mobile legends
Photo via

The main tip is to focus on playing objectively, especially taking the shield turret in the early game because it really helps your gold gain.

Clear minions, help war if possible, help take turtles or lords, and so on. Play as objectively as possible, don’t farm early because it belongs to your jungler.

Use the Correct Items

Hero late game mobile legends
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Item selection is also the key to playing Irithel, because the current meta is different from before. So there must be some changes for Irithel’s own items.

You can dig into it or imitate items from global tops and also adjust to the situation.

Don’t be too barbaric

Hero marksman op mobile legends

The last tip is not to be too barbaric, just because Irithel has great damage that can kill your opponent in an instant.

Not that you can play it carelessly or too barbarically. Remember Irithel has the status of a marksman hero whose blood is very thin, so you have to pay attention to the position and timing of joining the war.

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