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Hero Jungler This is Akai Hyper's Counter in Mobile Legends

You should know that this jungler hero counters Akai hyper in Mobile Legends, who is this hero? Listen carefully!

Akai hyper is a very popular meta in Mobile Legends at the moment, thanks to his terrible abilities, he has immune skills, strong cc, great damage and so on.

So, for those of you who have difficulty fighting enemies who pick Akai jungler when playing Mobile Legends, don’t worry.

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All you have to do is pick this jungler hero to completely counter Akai Hyper, who is he?


Benedetta mobile legends
photo via dailymotion

The most suitable opponent for Akai jungler is Benedetta jungler. You can get all of Benedetta’s skills by counting Akai.

Ultimate Akai won’t work against Benedetta because Bened has skills 2 and 3 which are immune as well as damage.

Specifically for skill 2 Benedetta, if the timing is right, this skill can stun Akai. Meanwhile, Benedetta’s mobility is much better than Akai’s.

He can chase Akai or run away from Akai very easily. He is the perfect hero to fight the hyper meta Akai.

Photo via Pinterest

All of Akai’s skills cannot work optimally on Benedetta whose movement and immunity are very great.

That’s a hyper hero that is suitable to be played as a counter for Akai jungler in Mobile Legends according to SPIN Esports, any comments?

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