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How to Get the Violet Shadow Free Fire (FF) Bundle

Free Fire has released lots of the latest updates for you to try playing right now with the newest features. Not to mention how to get the Violet Shadow Free Fire (FF) Bundle, you can get this prize right now. Certainly by using the Violet Shadow Bundle we will have the power of shadow to face the enemy.

Especially for dealing with enemies easily, it’s quite diverse and exciting for us to try right now. Providing an exciting and interesting game like this, of course, will give us a game that is very exciting. Especially for the latest mission from the event that follows the game version, it becomes something that we can know right now.

You can find out that the Rareest Bundle in Free Fire is indeed quite diverse, so that those of you who are competing will become stronger. So those of us who have good looks like that, will definitely become more diverse and you can just try it now easily.

Getting the Violet Shadow Free Fire Bundle is actually easy, FF players will have several processes to get it. So that we can carry out the process easily, so that we can immediately have this gift now easily.

How to Get the Violet Shadow Free Fire (FF) Bundle

  1. Enter the Free Fire Game

    Let’s get into the Free Fire game first, so we can get the Violet Shadow Bundle which is available right now. Because for Bundle Violet itself we can play easily, so we can have the main prize easily. Just follow the things in this game to receive such items.

  2. Select Shop and Magic Shop

    Then you can immediately select the Shop section first, then the Magic Shop which already exists right now. Only then will players easily find Magic Cube exchange prizes, one of which is the Violet Shadow Bundle, which is already available from here.

  3. Exchange With 1 Magic Cube

    Players can immediately exchange the existing Violet Shadow Bundle using only 1 Magic Cube. Of course that way players can get the Violet Shadow Bundle, this is an exchange that you can make for these prizes right now, right?

  4. Via Luck Royale

    You even have a process for receiving these prizes from Luck Royale depending on the event. Because the rotation of returning old bundles in Luck Royale itself varies, so you can find out everything now. There will be various Bundle Prizes from Violet Shadow itself.

  5. Vault Entry Rewards

    So later this prize will immediately enter the Vault, so that you can immediately use the Violet Shadow Bundle as well. It will indeed make your Girl character even cooler in facing enemies without any doubt at all to be able to win against her opponents too.

The latest updates in the Free Fire game are diverse, so you don’t miss the latest prizes from the event. Especially for the appearance of the Violet Dream Bundle, it’s pretty good for us to try, receiving every good gift which of course we can collect.

How to Get the Violet Shadow Free Fire (FF) Bundle

Using the Bundle with the Luna Free Fire character is definitely suitable, because the appearance is so beautiful for us to wear. Of course, in this way, players will also have a big attack against enemies using the Violet Shadow Bundle that already exists now.

After knowing how to get the Violet Shadow Free Fire (FF) Bundle, you can play right away and try it for yourself. It will definitely be a nice gift for you to easily have, just follow the process right now so you can get the prize right now.

You can also try Tips on Getting an Easy Free Fire Magic Cube, so that in the future we will look cool when using it too. Including the games that already exist now, it feels like they will also be giving out the newest prizes that have already appeared.