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Ethereum Merge Will Take Place, Anonymous Developer Keeps PoW Version of ETH

JAKARTA – The Merge Ethereum will be implemented in a few days. ETH switch from consensus mechanism Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) has become a hot topic in recent days. Even so, a number of anonymous parties plan to keep the PoW version of Ethereum instead of switching to Ethereum PoS.

After the Ethereum Merge happened and blockchain switch to proof-of-stake (PoS), a new branch token will be born called Ethereumpow (ETHW). On September 12, 2022, core developer ETHW announced “mainnet ETHW will occur within 24 hours of The Merge.”

The core developer blog post notes “the exact time will be announced 1 hour before launch with a countdown timer and everything including final code, binaries, configuration files, node info, RPC, explorer and more. Will be published when the time is up.” CryptoSlate.

Ethereum PoW Developer Refuses to Switch to PoS

The ETHW team has published an open letter to the ETHW community and a blog post published on 29 August summarizing some of the project’s intentions. The ETHW core team explains that this group is a group of “geeks and investors crypto from around the world” and they chose to remain anonymous. The post further details the rationale behind the ETHW team’s efforts, and the developers highlight that regulation blockchain “continues to improve” and “Web3 narratives are under serious pressure.”

“PoS is indeed a game changer, but only in a bad way. Nevertheless, PoW has a 12-year track record of being reliable, robust, and sensor-resistant. It would be wise to continue with Ethereum PoW, which those who champion openness and free markets shouldn’t have to think about because there is no downside,” wrote the Ethereum PoW core team.

Ethereum PoW Already Available

According to an EthereumPoW post on Medium, the developer stated that ETHW is not being created but it already exists and will exist if enough users support its existence. They state that ETH’s mission is to remain Ethereum.

“Vitalik and the Ethereum Foundation and their friends are turning it (to PoS). Granted, they are the creators of Ethereum, but are they Ethereum itself? Can parents also be control freaks who care only about their own gains over the welfare of their children? Will an independent-minded child always follow (parents) blindly or will he eventually start saying no?” quip the ETHW developer.