There are 5 kinds of ways to turn off the Windows 10 Firewall How? Come on, read this guide below!
5 Ways to Turn Off Windows 10 Firewall – Windows Defender Firewall is an exclusive data filtering feature introduced by Microsoft with Windows XP. Unfortunately, in addition to all the advantages of its security functions, this feature can also prevent users from making certain network changes. This feature can even block the connection rights of some applications on a Windows 10 PC. Therefore, many users want to know how to turn off the Windows 10 Firewall easily.
This firewall has been continuously improved since it was first installed.launch. Each iteration packs new improvements designed to protect Windows users from malware and other security issues of the internet. This makes it even stronger and sometimes even a bit detrimental. Disabling it also has some risks. But if you really want to do it, here are 5 ways:
1. Turn Off Windows 10 Firewall Through Control Panel
First, open the menu ‘Start’ and type ‘Control Panel‘ in the search bar then open the app ‘Control Panel’. Next, select the tab ‘System and Security‘. Click on Windows Defender Firewall to continue the deactivation process. The next menu will tell whether private or public network connected to the Firewall. Click on the option ‘Turn on‘ or ‘Turn off‘ Windows Defender Firewall.
If Firewall is active on public networkthen only setting ‘Public Network‘ which needs to be changed. However, users can also change both settings if the network connection varies from time to time. Just choose ‘Turn off Windows Defender Firewall’ and click ‘OK’. After that, Windows will prompt the user with confirmation that the Firewall has been turned off for his Windows 10 PC.
2. Disable Firewall with Command Prompt
The first thing to do is to open the menu ‘Start’ and type ‘cmd’ in search then click on app Command Prompt. Check the current status of Windows Firewall on the PC by typing the command ‘Netsh Advfirewall show allprofiles‘ and press enter. This will generate a detailed status report of the Firewall.
Now to turn off Windows Firewall completely in Windows 10, type the command ‘NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off‘ and press enter. Next, the system will provide a confirmation after the changes have been successfully made. If you want to re-enable Windows Firewall in Windows 10 again, type the command ‘NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state on‘ then press enter.
3. Take advantage of the Windows Security Application
Launch the Windows Security app and a different menu item will appear on the app’s homepage. Search and open ‘Firewall & network protection‘. on page ‘Firewall & network protection‘, there will be a list of profiles domain network, private network, and public network. Users can turn off Firewall can be turned off for each type network connection these one by one.
4. Use Set-NetFirewallProfile Cmdlet PowerShell
The NetSecurity PowerShell module is available on Windows 10 as well as Windows Server 2012 and above. The NetSecurity PowerShell module contains cmdlet related to the network security configuration. Cmdlet can be used to disable Windows Firewall is Set-NetFirewallProfile.
To disable Firewall on one of the network, Use syntax ‘Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile (name network) -Enabled False‘. As for disabling Firewall on all network, Use syntax ‘Set-NetFirewallProfile -All -Enabled False‘.
5. Turn Off Windows Firewall Remotely Using PowerShell
When it comes to disabling the Firewall on multiple computers, it is not efficient to login manually to each computer and run the command. In such situations, users can practice how to turn off the Windows 10 Firewall remotely using PowerShell. However, this procedure requires that WinRM is already enabled on the target computer.
If you want to disable the Firewall on one remote computer at a time, type the command ‘Enter-PsSession -ComputerName (computer name)’ in PowerShell. Then type the command ‘Set-NetFirewallProfile -All -Enabled False‘ below it just run the two commands. Now the Firewall on the remote computer has been disabled.
Thus 5 kinds of ways to turn off the Windows 10 Firewall. Choose the one that is most likely to be done because the easy ones are sometimes not necessarily appropriate. Also make sure to find out first the risks of disabling Firewall on Windows 10 before actually disabling it. Although in reality every decision does have advantages and disadvantages of each.