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How to Turn off Indosat NSP Permanently Via Phone and SMS

How to Turn Off Indosat NSP Permanently – There are two ways to turn off Indosat NSP permanently, by telephone and via SMS. NSP or personal dial tone itself is a very popular service in Indonesia, this service is also known as RBT or Ringback Tone. But many people have switched to the Messenger app now. This means that NSP users may not be as many as they used to be.

The NSP service for Indosat users is called Indosat iRing. For Indosat users who want to turn off Indosat’s NSP permanently, here’s how to do it either by phone or SMS easily:

By Phone

The first way to disconnect Indosat iRing service is through a telephone connection. Indosat has a special phone code for Indosat iRing service. The telephone code for Indosat iRing service is *808*10#. This telephone connection can be made by users with a minimum credit of Rp. 100 only. Here are the steps:

1. Phone Code *808*10#

The first thing the user has to do, of course, is to type in the telephone code for the Indosat iRing service then enter the phone number.dial-his. Later the user will be connected to the iRing 808 dialog box and will be faced with several menus by the dialog box. Menu option 1 is for iRing registration status. Option 2 menu is for certain UNREG iRings only and Option 3 menu is for UNREG ALL or all registered iRings.

2. Selecting the Optional Menu 3

If users want to turn off Indosat’s NSP service permanently, select option number 3. This UNREG ALL option will turn off all NSP services that have been or are currently connected to the user’s number. Then a dialog box will notify the user if the request is being processed.

3. Waiting for Confirmation SMS

After the process is complete, the phone connection will usually be disconnected. To find out whether the termination process was successful or not. The Indosat iRing 808 system will send an SMS confirming that the NSP service has been discontinued.

Turning off NSP Via SMS

The second way to turn off Indosat’s NSP is through the SMS service. To stop the NSP service via SMS the users are not charged anything. However, in order to send a termination SMS, users must have a minimum of IDR 5000 credit. Following are the steps:

1. Checking the Song Code to be turned off

For deactivating NSP via SMS, the user needs to know the code of the song or NSP that the user wants to deactivate. The code for this song can be seen through the Indosat iRing website, namely Users can search for songs by title, artist who sings, or album of songs.

2. Type the Stop Code

After knowing the code for the next song, the customer just needs to type the code to stop the service. Open the SMS application then type UNREG (Space) the song code that was found earlier. Type S1, S2, or S3 according to the number of iRings that the user wants to stop.

Then send the SMS to number 808. Wait a few moments until a confirmation SMS appears from the Indosat iRing system that the NSP subscription has been turned off. Subsequent SMS will usually confirm the termination of the user’s NSP service. To continue the process the user can reply to the SMS by typing the word ‘YES’.

That’s how to turn off Indosat’s NSP permanently via telephone and SMS. The method is very easy and the cost to turn off the NSP is very cheap. If the user intends to use NSP again. Users can re-register with Indosat iRing and spend around Rp. 3000 to subscribe to Indosat’s NSP for 7 days.