How to Overcome Loss on MyRepublic Wifi, Fast, Easy, You Can Do It Yourself
How to Overcome Loss on MyRepublic Wifi – MyRepublic WiFi provider customers must have experienced the problem of the indicator light or LOS turning red. In fact, this problem often occurs with internet service providers in Indonesia. However, there is a way to overcome the loss on WiFi MyRepublic that can be done by customers themselves.
Don’t worry if the los lights turn red and the internet network suddenly doesn’t work. Do the 5 things below first step by step to see if the network can be restored or not:
1. Checking Internet Cable
One of the causes of the red light on the modem is because there is a problem with the optical cable. This cable is the main cable that connects the internet connection to the device. Therefore, if the customer finds the MyRepublic WiFi los light turns red. It never hurts to check the internet cable first.
It may be that the cable is not attached properly or there may be damage to the cable. If the damage is severe, then the customer can contact WiFi MyRepublic for a replacement or cable repair.
2. Restart the Modem
The next way to overcome the loss on WiFi MyRepublic is to restart the modem device. If indeed the optical cable is installed correctly and there are no problems. Customers can restart the modem device by pressing the reset button on the back of the modem device. This method is arguably the most effective way, not only on MyRepublic WiFi but also modem devices from other providers.
3. Wait Until the Disturbance Is Over
The cause of the red light on MyRepublic WiFi may be because there is network interference from the MyRepublic WiFi center. If this is the cause, the customer has no other choice but to wait for repairs from MyRepublic WiFi. Wait for a maximum of 24 hours from the time the los light turns red to give WiFi MyRepublic the opportunity to fix the disturbance.
4. Changing Devices
The los light turns red and the connection doesn’t work, it could be because the modem device is damaged or can’t be used anymore. If this is the case, the customer must replace the old modem device with a new one. The cost that must be prepared by the customer to replace the device is quite affordable. Only need to prepare funds under IDR 2,000,000.
The tariff includes the cost of purchasing the equipment as well as the cost of installing the equipment. However, it is better to always update device prices through MyRepublic WiFi services and social media.
5. Contacting MyRepublic WiFi Customer Service
If the four methods have been done but still there is no change in the los lights or internet connection network. Customers have no other choice but to contact the MyRepublic WiFi customer service. Explain to customer service what problems you are facing and what has been done to overcome them.
MyRepublic WiFi party will usually send a technician to the house to check the cause for more details. Then decide what can be done to restore the los lights and network internet connection.
Those are 5 ways to overcome the loss on WiFi MyRepublic, now customers don’t need to panic or worry anymore if they experience this. Do the 5 steps above in stages, if the customer can’t, just contact the MyRepublic WiFi party. For customers who are experiencing this problem, the methods above can be followed as a guide in solving the problem themselves.