Here's How to Restore Deleted Game Levels Easily and Quickly
Have you ever opened a game but the achievement table was already quite high but started from the beginning? Don’t panic first. Try to read how to restore level games which is deleted below. In this explanation, we will tell you two tips that you can immediately try to fix this. Check out his review below.
Restore Deleted Levels with Google Play Games
To be able to restore levels that were accidentally deleted, players can take advantage of Google Play Games. For Android device users, of course, they are quite familiar with software this. A device that provides a variety of interesting games. Read the steps below to get the problem resolved quickly:
1. Check First If Using Google Play Games
The first time of course you have to check whether the game that is being run is connected to Google Play Games. To check it, go to the Play Store which is at smartphones. Then browse the games on the column Search. After that, click and tap on the Read More section. Just search for “Using Google Play Games” which is located below.
2. Open it Games What’s Played
If the users have confirmed that the game is actually using Google Play Games, then go to the application games the. Hurry up and open and check the leaderboards that have been achieved. If the initial level is already high enough and seems to return to the beginning, then follow the next step.
3. View Account and logout
Once on the achievement board, users can tap on the profile picture which is located at the top left. This is done to see if the account used is suitable or not. If not, then return to the previous page. In this step need to exit first (Logout) by tapping the three dot icon.
4. Open Games Return
If you have successfully exited, wait a few moments. Furthermore, users can do login back inside games the. It is very important to pay attention when entering username and password-his. Make sure that everything is correct. Keep in mind that there should be no confusion.
Restore Deleted Levels by Contacting Developer
If the steps described above don’t work, then try to restore the level games other deleted. If you previously used Google Play Games, here users need to contact the developer who manages the game. This method is very appropriate so that the problem can be quickly resolved:
- Find Contacts from Developers
The first step that must be done is to find the contact used by the developer. Users can find it by opening the Google Play Store. In column Search, seek games who want to complain about the problem. After that, open the details of the game. Find it by tapping Developer Contacts and scrolling down the screen.
If you have an active contact, then you can immediately make a complaint. Don’t forget to say the name games which is being played. Then tell what problems you are experiencing, namely the level returned to the beginning because it was accidentally deleted. Finally, ask the developer for help to solve the problem. Then send and wait for a reply.
Those are the two ways to restore the level games which was deleted due to negligence or is currently experiencing error. Choose the easiest step so that the problem can be fixed immediately. Then users can play their favorite game again. Don’t forget to always be careful so that this problem doesn’t happen again.