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Novel The Quantum Life, Parallel Dimension of Dreams

By : Yura Hengky


After dinner I was still thinking about the condition of the pregnant woman, with a sad expression on my face I said to my father “”… father, today I was the one there who called the ambulance to help the woman…” “Father answered casually and smiled without being surprised by what I said “”… dad knows, that’s why dad is here to have dinner with you, now go to sleep..”””, at that time I didn’t understand what dad was saying. Meanwhile dad sitting on the sofa watching tv I immediately walked to my room, on the bed I kept imagining the woman’s face, with all the sadness she had experienced today so heavy the burden she would bear. A night full of dilemmas, until I remembered with The letter that I received today, because I was unable to hold back sleep, I decided to give it to my father in the morning.

light, all I saw was white light and suddenly I was on a dark straight road with little moonlight, along the way there were many houses like no occupants and overgrown with tall grass, I walked down the road while glancing right and left, strangely I feel familiar with the road, it’s just that I’ve never seen a house with a building like that before. I kept walking, instantly in the distance I saw a house that had a light source, slowly I headed towards the house, in the distance I heard a voice from the house calling my name “”…Hannah…Hannah wake up help mother prepare breakfast …””, at that moment I was very confused, anxious not knowing what was really going on. To fulfill my curiosity I ran towards the house and stopped right not far from the window, I saw my mother who was sitting in front of a dining table while shedding tears and slowly saying “…I will always take care and take care of her carefully.” affection…””. at that moment I fell to my knees with tears that became so.

Unable to stand the situation at that time, I hurriedly ran away from the place where I had just seen my mother, while shedding tears I kept running fast until I finally saw my father with both hands holding my cheek and asked “Nightmare again?”, with tensed I replied “I’m scared”, I hugged dad while crying, dad again said “just a dream, sometimes bad dreams can teach us to be better, don’t cry anymore, go back to sleep!”, I let go of the hug and lay back down. for a moment I was silent to think about what the dream meant, I really miss mom That’s how I feel.

The alarm suddenly sounded, I went out of the room to get a glass of water, after drinking I realized when I looked outside the house it was still dark, I’m sure it was my father who set the alarm last night so the alarm went off earlier than usual. With a glass of water in hand I left the house and stood on the terrace enjoying the atmosphere. A few moments later, a woman in black clothes came out of the house of a pregnant woman who I helped yesterday, when there were concerns and questions “what’s wrong with that pregnant woman, and who is the woman dressed in all black, is her brother or sister?” ?”,

Continuing to think about that, I went back into the house, and the alarm sounded again from father’s room, at that time I went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, strangely the sound of the alarm from father’s room did not stop after continuously ringing, I started I was disturbed by the sound of the alarm, until I finally decided to wake my father while turning off the alarm that kept ringing. when I was in front of my father’s room, I knocked several times and called my father, there seemed to be no sign that my father would wake up while the sound of the alarm was so loud, I entered my father’s room, it turned out that what I got was a bed with pillows and blankets that were neatly arranged with the alarm constantly ringing on the bedside table. while looking at the alarm I took the alarm and turned it off….