Meganthropus Paleojavanicus: Definition & Lifestyle
Meganthropus Paleojavanicus – Now we really wonder about pre-literate life in ancient times. Did humans already inhabit the earth at that time? Or just dinosaurs and all kinds of beasts.
In fact, it turns out that early humans have been found at that time. where this will be the beginning of an evolution in human life today.
It is undeniable that every event that occurs must be related to changes in both anatomical and physiological conditions. Then, who exactly is the oldest ancient human in Indonesia?
Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus is the oldest type of ancient human in Indonesia. Maybe someone hears it foreign, because it is very rarely spoken, or we don’t find it much.
However, this oldest ancient human is a beautiful history and there is a lot of interesting information for us to learn. Then what does the name mean?
Mega means big. Paleo means oldest and Anthropus means human. While Javanicus means Java.
So it can be concluded that Meganthropus is a human who has a very large body and is the oldest originating from the island of Java.
History of Meganthropus Paleojavanicus
The research shows that Meganthropus Palejavanicus lived about two million years ago.
The fossil was first published in 1936 by GHR Koenigswald and ended in 1941 at the Sangiran site, mandible and maxilla in Solo.
This type of Meganthropus is an ancient human who lived in the Paleolithic era or the Great Stone about two to one million years ago and managed to find a similar fossil in 1952 by Marks in the form of a lower jaw.
Read also : Homo Wajakensis
It is estimated that this species Meganthropus Palejavanicus lived 1 to 2 million years ago, during Palaeolithic era or Paleolithic.
The advantages that exist in this type of meganthropus, which has a body shape that is larger than other parents.
Characteristics of Meganthropus Paleojavanicus
The characteristics of the oldest ancient humans in Indonesia include the bones of the jaw being so strong. Has no chin. Has human characteristics in the form of jaws, but is more like a monkey.
- His body is big and sturdy. The cheekbones have been prominent and thick, the forehead is also prominent and thick, as is the back of the head. In muscles that are so very strong it is included in herbivores as a staple food.
- Has a smaller brain volume than modern humans, so it is considered the most stupid ancient humans.
- He is about 2.5 meters tall by walking like an orangutan, slightly bent, hands supporting the body and the length of his arms exceeds the length of his legs.
- When it is specified again the posture of Meganthropus Paleojavanicus which is characteristic of it is the flat forehead shape.
- The shape of the forehead bone is very prominent. The mouth protrudes forward.
- Has a height measuring 130 cm to 210, then the shape of the legs is very long and very dominant in use for walking.
- There are short and long skull shapes, which have a body weight of 88 kg to 150 kg with prominent and wide cheekbones and have a language of communication between individuals.
- The eyes are orbital, then have the shape of the molars like a human but not the chin like an ape. Its staple food is plants so it has thick cheekbones. Lived at 2-1 million years ago.
Early humans such as Meganthropus Paleojavanicus did not have a permanent place to live, they moved and did not return to their original place.
At first, early humans were on their own, but after that they formed small groups with the safest and most comfortable place to live in caves.
At the time of the hunt, they were very familiar with art. So to cultivate it, the oldest ancient humans drew in their own cave, animal paintings.
For color they usually use red, black and white and eat root crops.
10 Types of Meganthropus
For the types of ancient humans such as Meganthropus can be classified as follows:
Progressive is the most advanced species found mainly in alluvial deposits at Ngandong (Blora), Selopuro (Ngawi) and volcanic deposits at Tiger Connect.
Has a brain volume has reached 1100 cc, with a taller skull with a faded face.
This is Meganthropus Paleojavanicus in the oldest homo type found. It has been found in layers of black clay in the formation of grenzbanks and pucangans at Sangiran and volcanic sands north of Perning. This type can be said to be the largest and most muscular type with a brain volume of about 870 cc.
Type is the most advanced type compared to the archaic type or other types. This species is the largest part of Homo erectus in Indonesia.
This discovery was made in Kedung Brubus (Madiun), Patiayam (Kudus) and since 2011 has been re-discovered in Tegal.
The skull construction is slimmer, although the forehead is still tilted and slightly bent. The brain capacity is about 1000 cc.
Pithecanthropus Soloensis
Pithecanthropus Soloensis is a monkey man from Solo. This type of ancient human fossils such as Meganthropus Paleojavanicus was discovered around 1931 directly by Openorth and Von Koenigswald on the island of Java.
Until 1933, other similar ancient humans were found in Sangiran near the river in Solo where the first parts found were a tibial bone and a skull.
Meganthopus 2
Meganthropus 2 is a skull fragment that was first described by Sartono in 1982. Tyler’s analysis came to the conclusion that it was the normal range for H. Homo.
The cranium is deeper, lower vaulted, and wider than any earlier specimen found. It has the same sagittal crest or double temporal back with a cranial capacity of about 800-1000 cc.
Megantopus 1
This specimen of Tyler has been described as a nearly complete skull, but crushed to some extent.
What differs from other types of Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus is that this specimen does not have a double height that meets almost above the skull and the back of the neck is very thick.
Meganthropus A/Sangiran 6
This finding was first discovered by Koenigswald in 1941 and he managed to bring his findings and sent a jaw cast to be given and explored as a discovery.
Franz, who got this discovery, finally explained this extraordinary discovery that he wanted to explain. In 1945 he named his findings the hominid.
We can try to see the characteristics of Homo Robustus which help us to imagine many things about the ancient human type Meganthropus Paleojavanicus.
This discovery is famous for having the largest jaw and after prediction, it turns out that the jaw is the same height as a gorilla, but has a different shape.
Weidenreich described and named the specimen in 1945, and was struck by its size. Then this hominid is the hominid that has the largest jaw known.
The jaw is about the same height as a gorilla but has a different shape. Compared to anthropoids, they have the highest and largest jaw or mandible at the symphysis, which is where the two lower jaws meet.
This never happened in the vicinity of Sangiran-6, where the greatest height was seen around the first molar position (M1).
Weidenreich assumed this was acromegalic gigantism, but ultimately did not classify it because it lacked distinctive features such as an excessively protruding chin and teeth that were small compared to the size of the jaw itself.
Weidenreich never hypothesized the exact size this hominid came from, but revealed it was 2/3 the size of Gigantopithecus which was twice as large as a gorilla which would have made him about 8 feet (2.44 m) tall.
The jawbone used in part of the skull reconstruction of Grover Krantz is about 8.5 inches (21 cm) high. This type of Meganthropus Paleojavanicus is very big!
Meganthropus B/Sangiran 33/BK 7905
Meganthropus B is a mandibular fragment that was discovered around 1979 and has some characteristics similar to the previous mandible. Its relationship with Meganthropus is the weakest of the mandibular findings.
Homo Soloensis
Franz and Koenigswald have found an ancient human like Meganthropus Paleojavanicus in the range of 1931-1934. Because of the volume of the brain, these early humans did not belong to the monkey-human class.
They are also considered smarter and have a better life. The first fossil found was a skull bone and it is estimated that its life occurred between 900,000 and 300,000 years ago.
The first discovery of the oldest on the island of Java is Homo Erectus Paleojavanicus or Javanese man. This discovery was the first discovery that was found, finally it became interesting at the beginning of his discovery, this Javanese man was immediately given a scientific name.
The leader of the team who found the fossil or early human of this type immediately managed to find the skull in Ngawi in 1891.
Read more : Homo Soloensis
It should be noted that the meaning of this ancient human name is also very unique to know. The meaning of the name itself is taken from Latin and Greek with the meaning of ape man who can stand.
Pithecanthropus Erectus
Archaeologist from Pithecanthropus Erectus, Eugene Dubois, initially did not get too many findings.
However, he managed to find a more complete fossil in the village of Sangiran, Central Java, which is about 18 km to the north of the city of Solo.
There are many fossil discoveries in Indonesia which are now becoming more and more revealing about their situation and existence.
The fossil that was finally found in the form of a shell skull was found by Gustav Heinrich Ralph Von Koenigswald in 1936. It belongs to the type Meganthropus Paleojavanicus.
Many think that the discovery of the Javanese man may be the missing link between the ape man and the modern man that exists today.
But in the end all the ancestors and it has been agreed that the Javanese man is Homo Erectus who actually lives on the island of Java.
Now you don’t know about history, the characteristics of even the oldest types of ancient humans in Indonesia, namely Meganthropus Paleojavanicus.
Hopefully it can increase knowledge about the history of pre-literacy and other ancient humans.
Because like the phenomenal slogan that never forgets history, including the history of human evolution from ancient times to the present day where humans are already with perfect body portions.