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Indonesian Astronomical Location (Impacts and Benefits)

Indonesian Astronomical Location

The homeland of Indonesia is one of the countries that has a fairly good astronomical, geographical and geological location and can provide goodness for its citizens.

With a strategic location that can produce all kinds of earth’s wealth, Indonesia should have become a developed country that provides benefits to other countries.

As the color of a good country, of course, the best effort to protect Indonesia from all harmful angles is to continue to make the slightest contribution.

At least you can start from yourself, start from the smallest things, and start from now on.

Astronomical Location of Indonesian Territory

Astronomical location is the location of a certain area, whether city, country, or island, based on its latitude and longitude. Latitude is an imaginary line that stretches horizontally around the earth in a certain area, while longitude is an imaginary line that runs vertically around the earth in a certain area.

the impact of Indonesia's astronomical position

North and south latitudes are bounded by the equator, while east and west longitudes are bounded by Greenwich Mean Time.

Indonesian astronomical location is at 6ºN (North Latitude)-11ºS (South Latitude) and is at 95ºE (East Longitude)-141ºEast (East Longitude).

When viewed based on astronomical locations, Indonesia is in a tropical climate because it is located in the eastern part of the earth.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in Indonesia there are only 2 seasons, summer and rainy season.

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Geographical Location of the Territory of Indonesia

Indonesia's geographic location is

For geographical distribution, the reference used is the position of the region compared to the position of other countries or islands around the place.

Indonesia is located between the continents of Asia and Australia, and is between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

It can be said that the location of this Maritime Country is at a strategic cross-border for transactions in the economic, marine and agricultural fields from all over the world.

The western part of Indonesia is one of the regions of the Asian continent, Southeast Asia to be exact.

For eastern Indonesia, it is included in the Australian continent, while the central part is a transitional location or commonly known as the Wallace area.

Geological Location of the Territory of Indonesia

Indonesia's astronomical position

Different from Indonesian astronomical location or geographical location, geological location is the condition of an area based on the geological condition and topography of the area.

Indonesia divides its geological territory into 3: the Sunda Shelf area, the Sahul Shelf area, the area between the Sunda Shelf and the Sahul Shelf.

When viewed in terms of mountain paths, western Indonesia is a long series of Mediterranean Circum Mountains, while the eastern part is part of the Pacific Circum Mountains.

Also read: Stratus Clouds

The impact of the geological location in Indonesia is as follows:

  1. Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has many active volcanoes
  2. The seas of West and East Indonesia tend to be shallow, while the seas in Central Indonesia are deeper
  3. Indonesia has a lot of profitable mineral mining
  4. Indonesia is included in an unstable region because its soil is unstable, which makes some places often experience tectonic and volcanic earthquakes

The Effect of Astronomical Location on Climate in Indonesia

Being on the crossroads Greenwich makes Indonesia classified as a country that has a tropical climate. Basically there are two climate divisions namely tropical climate and monsoon climate.

Because it is located at latitudes north and south adjacent to the equator, it is not surprising that Indonesia is a country that tends to be hot.

Basically, Indonesia’s astronomical location divides several climates in it. There are 3 climates that can be described in an area. Tropical climate and monsoon climate, and marine climate

Tropical climate

geographical location of Indonesia

Tropical climates are usually located in areas that are between 23.5º North Latitude to 23.5 South Latitude. Tropical climates will get more sunlight throughout the year, with the duration of day and night tending to be almost the same. This makes the rainfall and air humidity in this area quite high.

This tropical climate has only two seasons in a year, namely summer and rainy season. The average change of seasons occurs every 6 months.

In recent years, the changing seasons in Indonesia have become chaotic due to the eroding layers of the atmosphere.

The month of September which should have entered the rainy season is still summer even until December.

Monsoon Climate

the advantages and disadvantages of Indonesia's astronomical location

Changes brought about by the monsoon climate are pegged in a certain period. There are 2 types of monsoon climates, namely the west monsoon and the east monsoon.

The west monsoon is the wind blowing from the continent of Asia to Australia, while the east monsoon is the wind blowing from the continent of Australia to Asia.

Due to Indonesian astronomical location which is between the two continents of Asia and Australia, the rate of travel that occurs in the west and east monsoon winds will affect the climate in the Indonesian region.

Marine Climate

what is the location of indonesian astronomy?

Indonesia, which is an archipelago, causes high rainfall in several cities and regions. This is what underlies the marine climate also plays a role in rainy and hot conditions in a place.

The location which has a longitude of 0º across the city of Greenwich is one of the hottest locations in Indonesia because it borders the GMT world time standard (Greenwich Mean Time).

The Effect of Astronomical Location on the Division of Time in Indonesia

See Indonesian astronomical location which is in the tropics causes this country to have 3 different time zones.

Indonesia's astronomical and geographical location

This has apparently been stated and regulated in Presidential Decree No. 41 of 1987 which explains that Indonesia is faced with 3 different times, namely West Indonesia Time (WIB), then East Indonesia Time (WIT), and also Central Indonesia Time (WITA).

1. West Indonesia Time (WIB)

Locations that have a time zone of 95ºE to 105ºE in the west of Indonesia are categorized as part of West Indonesia.

Among them are the islands of Sumatra, Java, Madura, and parts of western Kalimantan. Internationally, local time is GMT +7.

2. Central Indonesian Time (WITA)

Locations that have a zone between 105º east longitude to 120º east longitude are included in the zone of Central Indonesia.

Among them are the islands of Sulawesi, Bali, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara.

The location of Central Indonesia is between the west and east. Internationally, WITA is within GMT +8

3. East Indonesia Time (WIT)

The astronomical location of eastern Indonesia is at 120ºE to 134ºE. It includes the islands of Papua and the Maluku islands.

Internationally WIT is the same as GMT +9. With this fact, Indonesia has become more diverse because each region has its own time.

The Influence of Astronomical Location on People’s Life in Indonesia

The fact of the existence of Indonesian astronomers certainly affects the lives of its people.

Adaptation to the surrounding environment makes people in Indonesia learn faster with the available natural conditions.

This shows that humans will be able to survive in accordance with the environmental conditions they inhabit.

Rice Fields and Farming Activities

the influence of Indonesia's geographical position

Almost all parts of Indonesia get sunlight throughout the year. This situation is very good if doing an agricultural activity. Rice only process for 3 months.

That way, residents can harvest 4 times a year. Loose and fertile soil is also a weapon for farmers to grow a variety of green vegetables.

Fishing Activities

Fishing Activities

Economic movements cannot be separated from the dollar exchange rate in the international arena. However, this does not make the residents sit idly by in seeking money.

The unstable climate makes people not only depend on agriculture and fisheries. Everyone tries to get money in various ways to fulfill their needs.

Building Architectural Form

Climatic conditions in Indonesia also affect the architectural design of its citizens.

Most traditional houses in Indonesia have a prismatic roof with a downward slope at the edges, one example being the Joglo form belonging to Central Java.

Central Java joglo house

The shape of the Joglo house will make anyone under it protected from the heat and feel the breeze comfortably.

The astronomical location of Indonesia, which is occupied by its people today, not only provides space for its citizens, but also opens up opportunities for cooperation with foreign parties for mutual benefit.

With the wisdom of the government, surely Indonesia can become a proud developed country. Let’s move together for a glorious Indonesia for the generations to come.