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How to Use TrackView App on Android

How to Use TrackView App

Want to spy on people nearby or eavesdrop? It’s very easy with the app, here’s how to use trackview on Android to spy on other people.

It is undeniable that the use of Android smartphones always brings new things every day. This is proven by the constant presence of new applications on the Play Store which are always interesting to try.

Starting from applications for social media, online learning applications, money making to those that smell of privacy in terms of wiretapping are also contained in it.

One that we will discuss this time is TrackView, an application that is expected to be able to remotely spy on someone’s phone with just a few settings.

What is TrackView?

TrackView is a versatile application that can be used to track a person’s position and monitor that person’s activity from the mobile phone used anywhere and anytime as long as he is connected to the internet.

Some common functions that you can find include activating video calls, ringing the phone, and even communicating with several people at the same time.

With these advantages, of course, this application is suitable for parents to monitor children’s activities so that we can continue to control what and where they are.

TrackView App Features

There are many features that the TrackView application has, you can see more about it below.

  • Realtime GPS location tracking, know the location of the device in realtime and accurately based on GPS.
  • Audio and Video recording, can record video and audio will sound according to what is heard.
  • Two-way audio, you can have two-way communication with children.
  • IPCAM for video and audio monitoring, there are cameras such as CCTV so that it can be monitored remotely.
  • Integrates with Google and Gmail accounts.
  • High video quality but with low bandwidth so it can save quota.
  • Automatic network switch, when there is no signal, the application will automatically use any available network.

And there are many other mainstay features such as the device can still be accessed even though it is in a sleep or locked state.

Download TrackView App Free

For those of you who are interested in trying it, please download it via the download link that we have provided.

The size of this application is about 18 MB, and was last updated on September 22, 2022 when this article was published. There have been about 5 million downloads, are you sure you still hesitate to use?

How to Use TrackView

How to use the trackview application is quite easy, all you need to do is prepare 2 cellphones. The first is as a controller cellphone, and the second is as a victim’s cellphone or one that will be tapped, for example.

Make sure both have the same trackview application installed.

  1. First, please run the trackview application on mobile 1 and login with a Google account.
  2. Second, run the trackview app on phone 2 and give it a name then login with the same Google account as on phone 1.
  3. Go to the settings and management of the application on the cellphone you want to track and turn off notifications (this is so that the victim doesn’t know that his cellphone is being tapped).
  4. Now you run the trackview application on your own cellphone and use the existing menu to continue to monitor the victim’s cellphone that has been set earlier.

This method will work if both phones continue to have an active data plan. If the internet connection is lost, the tapping process or controlling the victim’s cellphone will not be able to be carried out.

That’s an article about how to use trackview on an Android phone. Hopefully it can add to our insight together and good luck!