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How To Make The Strongest Armor In Minecraft MCPE | plus Beginner upgrade tutorial

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Indonesian mcpe tutorials

Minecraft, one of the most popular games of all time, seems to be timeless, from the very beginning, this game made by Mohjang is loved by tens of millions of players around the world, at first glance it looks normal, but challenge lovers will definitely be addicted playing this game, many things are presented to add to the excitement of the game, creativity seems endless, you players will feel at home for hours in front of the screen, especially when building a structure in this boxy world.

The gameplay looks like it has no ending or ending, but you know what, the main mission is actually exploration, exploring every corner of the map one by one, to the point where you are ready to fight the boss of the mobs known as the ender dragon. This is the last mission lag for Minecraft survivors, even if your character can defeat Ender Dragon, exploration doesn’t end immediately, you can play it continuously.

In fact, to fight Ender Dragon is not as easy as imagined, special preparation is needed so that the character can meet face to face, fight and defeat him. Especially when it comes to skills, that’s why from the start players have to do a lot of things, such as using swords, bows, and so on, getting used to when fighting against mobs, allowing skills and instincts to be honed properly.

Even though we already have qualified skills in fighting in Minecraft, unfortunately, there are still other factors that determine victory, namely the equipment factor, and this is further divided into several of them armor and weapons.

As we know, a lion without teeth and sharp claws will not be able to do anything but rely on the strength of its body, so it will be very easy for a wolf with fangs and long claws that is agile and agile to defeat a lion without it, even though the size of the bada is much smaller. . We can compare this proverb, a character with high skills, without weapons and armor wants to beat the big boss, it will end up battered.

Regarding equipment such as weapons and protective armor used by characters, there are various types, and of course they have different resistance and strength, now this is the type of armor in minecraft from low to superior resistance along with a tutorial on how to make it;

1. Leather Armor

Known as low-end armor, because it has very little resistance, it is usually used at the beginning of the game since the mobs on the first and second days are still not very aggressive, this leather armor is quite effective in helping players survive outside when gathering resources.

2. Iron Armor

Its existence is very crucial if the player is going to explore further, and must be used when it is past the 5th day and so on. Because besides you will meet other mobs and fight them, this type will also help you in case of a free fall from a height, hard collisions can be muffled, so the character still has the possibility to survive.

3. Gold armor

Even though its durability is below iron, it will be very useful when traveling around the nether map, because the mobs in this map will not be too aggressive when you bring gold equipment.

3. Diamond Armor

In the real world, diamond material is known to be very rare, has resistance to high temperatures, and is one of the reasons it is often used as a drill bit. Likewise in Minecraft, this material is excellent for players because of its very high efficiency level, diamond-based equipment is not easily damaged, the damage generated can even beat low and middle level mobs with one hit.

4. Netherite Armor

Until now this type is still at the top level of the strongest armor in the universe of Minecraft, very suitable for fighting the strongest Ender Dragon Boss, but to get the material known as ancinet Debris and make this armor very difficult, more difficult than finding diamond material, if we give a comparison, 1 material costs 20 diamond materials and we can only get it in the Nether map of a certain depth.

The conditions for making this armor are beforehand player have already crafted diamond armor,

Tutorial to make Armor in Minecraft

Before carrying out the manufacturing process, make sure the material is available, each armor requires about 24 basic ingredients, for example 1 set of iron armor consists of 5 iron ingots for helmets, 8 shirts, 7 pants and 4 legs, please note, this only applies to leather armor until the diamond, don’t forget to prepare a crafting table, place it in front of the character. After everything is ready, proceed to the crafting process

The method above does not apply if you want to make netherite armor, the process is a bit different, but the main requirement is to have diamond armor and 5 netherite ingots. Next, all you have to do is prepare a smithing table, with a ratio of 1 part combination equal to 1 netherite ingot.

How, make it easy?, but there is another fact that you should know, that there is such a thing as an enhancement table, its function is to add certain effects, so that our equipment such as weapons, armor and other equipment becomes more superior, meaning that this item can still be upgraded so that it can be upgraded. stronger.

Armor Enhancements

If you are thinking of going to the end map to fight Ender Dragon, then don’t forget the important thing that needs to be prepared is to first upgrade your luggage, especially armor. Having armor made with the strongest material in Minecraft is not enough to withstand a barrage of attacks while in End, because it’s not only the bosses of the Mobs that you fight, also consider other residents like Enderman who will attack characters and come from all directions. . They are very aggressive, more sensitive than other monsters, move quickly, disappear then suddenly appear elsewhere.

mcpe enhancements
Enhancement table mcpe

Enchanted equipment allows us to last long enough, fighting against them. How to ; prepare the main ingredients, namely Lapis Lazuli and armor to be upgraded, enter both of them into the enhancement table, during this process, we will be faced with 3 choices of effects, choose one and make sure it is the best effect with the highest value.

To maximize the highest value, you only need to add experience points or exp at level 30 and above, so it is guaranteed that the results obtained can be better.

Upgrade Using Anvil

Besides being used to repair equipment, anvil also functions as an upgrader, the process is quite simple, as long as you already have a spell book, which distinguishes it from other book items, namely the purple color that characterizes this one item, plus there are certain effects written such as protection and others.

minecraft angel
Anvil item combination process

If you want to increase the durability of your armor, the protection effect is one of the right choices, it has an extraordinarily strong resistance.

Is there another way?, the answer is no, because so far only the features above have been available, even so, it is possible that in the future Mohjang will bring new features related to this.