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BLOG for MONEY. Throw This Thought Away | this is the REASON

Let’s discuss

Try asking the bloggers who get a salary from adsene every month, ask how long it will take them to be like them. Many social media groups post just to ask the eligibility of their blog to register for adsene, but the photos sent are still under 100, there are still hundreds of articles, some even have dozens of articles posting the same thing.

“Approximately feasible, not yet monetized”

In fact, there are only a dozen articles, already asked

“Could you not accept adsen or not”.

Well, if you only think about blogging for money, it’s certain, at most 1 month you must be bored. Yes, because it’s just for thinking about adsense. Just because of interesting stories that discuss “blogging to make money”.

The reason I made this post is because the group that should be able to be used to discuss other topics that are not only adsense, every day posting adsense problems appear, it’s better to ask different questions, the content is only SS with the question “is it worth it or not” which contains photos of the article of which there are only tens.

Actually, I don’t want to discriminate, what do I want to be discriminated against, after all, my blog has dozens of new articles, even though it was founded 4 years ago, but until now I haven’t registered for Adsense. Why?.

What are the facts?

Because I know, even if I get approved by Adsense, I don’t know when a blog with content like this can pay out.

“Those are stories that can pay out millions to tens of millions, how about that?”

Just ask how many blog articles, how many blogs are livestock, if there are hundreds of blogs, or not the articles are already tens of thousands, tens of millions per month the income from new blogs can be trusted.

I have a friend who has been blogging for 3 full years, not even every month he gets paid, in fact what he complains about is “it’s hard if this continues”. This is not to discourage friends from blogging. It’s good not to be too ambitious to immediately be able to earn from a blog, because to be able to payout every month, it takes a long time, there is always trial and error, ups and downs. This is according to my friend’s experience, if I myself blogged at first it was only to learn to write novels, as well as to fill my spare time. The problem is that there was an incident in the novel that I just wrote in Word, all data was lost.

Finally, so that the same thing doesn’t happen again, I chose the blog, it’s definitely durable. If you want to read the novel, just open it on the navigation button, novel. (the title is the quantum life).

“How do you get excited about creating content?”

Indeed, sometimes if you think from the beginning that you are only blogging because you are tempted by the money, you will definitely get bored quickly. In the end, he retired.

A year after this blog was created, it took me a long time to stop creating content, but not because I was bored, to create quality content is not easy. But I write or not, the answer is yes, I write, many drafts on this blog that I make notes, because I am a very forgetful person. :D, it’s okay, let’s unload a little bit of disgrace.

“Have you ever registered for Adsense?” .

I’ve been blogging for a year, a few months before I took a break to publish content, my friend who was just told me, gave me a suggestion to register for adsen, because coincidentally he also wanted to register. I myself am not sure if it will be accepted, because the content at that time was only 30 articles. Ehhh it’s true it’s not accepted. It was to be expected.

Not only that, I think the writings and the language I use for writing are still low, so I’m learning writing skills as well. One more thing, finish the novel.

Actually, this post is not really important, it’s just that, I just want to remind those who are too ambitious, so they don’t get too carried away with good stories about income from blogs. Indeed, many have been able to payout every month or up to tens of millions, but never knew how hard their struggle was.

Keep calm, slow but sure!.