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10 Examples of Complete Melodic Musical Instruments with Pictures

Melodic Instruments

Some Traditional Melodic Instruments That Generate Tones! Music is a melody that can calm, drown, and express the poet’s feelings without saying anything. Many say, music becomes the life of some people who cannot express the expression of the soul.

Traditional music is music that is created with distinctive tones according to each region.

Not only traditional music, there are also musical instruments that were created specifically to accompany the traditional music. The tones that are created also sometimes balance the customs and traditions of each region.

Melodic musical instruments belong to a range of music that has many uses for producing instruments of various styles. The types of tools that can produce melodic music are by blowing, hitting, picking, sucking, and shaking.

The tone produced is also regular with do, re, mi, fa, so, la, si, and do. Not messy. Therefore, this melodic music becomes the subject of discussion that is often negotiated to produce a song tone.

Eleven twelve with modern musical instruments, these musical instruments are made with natural materials that are not managed much.

Instead of being confused about what musical instruments can produce instruments, take a good look at 10 examples of musical instruments that can produce tones traditionally, namely:

Examples of Traditional Melodic Instruments

1. Angklung


A musical instrument that produces tones by shaking is the angklung from Sunda, West Java province.

This traditional melodic musical instrument, you can play easily just by shaking it to the right and left according to the desired rhythm.

The tone produced is also pleasant which reflects the typical traditional music so that it can accompany all kinds of art that reflect the area. The resulting tone is influenced by the weight of the angklung itself.

The tone of this traditional melodic instrument is due to the large and small size of the angklung, which is made of bamboo, arranged like a ladder pipe. One hand functions to hold the angklung and the other to shake it.

2. Flute


Is a traditional musical instrument originating from the province of West Java which is played by blowing.

The flute is made using small bamboo that has six to seven holes on the top. With each hole that is not the same size so that the notes created are different and can compose the instrument.

This melodic musical instrument is made to accompany slow, full of appreciation, and deep sadness, but can also be used for modern strains such as pop, dangdut, remix, koplo, and many others.

Currently, there are many flutes or flutes made with aluminum metal or plastic so that bamboo is no longer in use because many think it is too old-fashioned.

3. Harp


This tool is included in the traditional musical instrument that is still widely used. The harp is a musical instrument that is played by strumming like a guitar (a modern musical instrument) and even its shape is almost the same, the difference is that the harp has a wide body size like a bowl unlike a guitar body, which varies according to national and international market prices.

The harp is a melodic instrument to accompany soft, unhurried regional music. This tool comes from the West Java area which has created many arrangements from artist quotes.

The wood used is a special strong wood with quality strings so that it does not break after being played with a small wood made to tie the strings from end to end of the harp.

4. Sasando


Just like the harp, this instrument is a traditional musical instrument by plucking the strings. Many songs that can be created with sasando come from the provinces of Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara or NTT.

The tones that are created are also varied, there are fast, slow, soft, stomping, and walking accompaniment rhythms. This musical instrument is often used to accompany regional traditional ceremonies which still adhere to traditional musical instruments.

5. Gamelan


This melodic instrument is played by hitting it with a hard bat so it doesn’t break easily. This musical instrument comes from the province of Central Java which is often used from various regions because the tones produced are very beautiful.

Like other musical instruments, gamelan is the main musical instrument that accompanies traditional and modern music with mixed rhythms. In Madura itself, we often encounter this musical instrument in sonok cow competitions.

6. Gong


This tool comes from West Java which is played by hitting. The resulting tone is very loud because the shape of this tool is quite large and is tied to a support made of tough wood.

Gongs are usually used for separate events and there are some who use this instrument as accompaniment several times. The shape is almost similar to gamelan or drums, only the way they are placed is different.

7. Stamps


Originating from Jambi, this traditional melodic musical instrument is made from buffalo horn and how to use it by blowing it, how to use it is quite easy compared to flutes which have to adjust the position of the fingers in all the holes.

To use this tool is not arbitrary, stamps are used when there is a disaster that occurs in the community so that rarely anyone uses it except during an emergency.

8. Gceng


This tool is a drum originating from the Bali area which is played by placing the gengceng in both hands and then clapping.

The resulting tone is also very smooth so that in the area of ​​​​Bali still use this traditional tool. Not only in Bali, the surrounding area also uses this tool for local traditional ceremonies.

9. Drum


This melodic musical instrument is often used to accompany various genres of music with different rhythms. The drum comes from the province of Yogyakarta which has a soft cover so that when played it doesn’t hurt.

The way to play it is to hit it with your hand on the soft part so it doesn’t hurt too much in your palm.

10. Tifa


This instrument is played by hitting it with the palm of the hand. The shape is similar to a drum but in a smaller size.

Tifa comes from the Papua region which is still widely used today, both for local traditional ceremonies or for traditional music performances and even dance performances or events related to art.

The way to distinguish traditional and modern melodic musical instruments is from the basic materials used. Usually, traditional musical instruments are made of bamboo, wood, animal skins, and some even use leaves.

It is very different from modern musical instruments which have the same basic ingredients, but are reprocessed with various materials so that they have an increasing price value.

Well, that’s what you should know. Hopefully the explanation above is useful and adds to your insight.