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Guinevere Mobile Legends Build April 2022 That You Must Try!

 Are you a Mobile Legends player? You must know that these are the 6 META Hero Guinevere Mobile Legends builds that were very painful in April 2022.

Below, we will thoroughly discuss 6 builds that will make the hero Guinevere very sick, starting from the Arcane Boots item to the last item , Divine Glaive , which we will discuss.

Surely you are very curious right? Instead of being more curious, let's go straight to the following discussion article!

1. Arcane Boots

This Guinevere hero for the first time really needs a build item , namely Arcane Boots to make this Guinevere hero very agile.

When you buy this item , your movement will be very agile and you can kill enemies or run away.

2. Concentraced Energy

This hero really needs the second item , namely the Concentrated Energy item which will be very useful for adding Magic Power and HP .

With the increase in Magic Power and HP , this hero becomes very sick and also immune from buying this item .

3. Genius Wand

The third item that Guinevere really needs is the Genius Wand item which will provide additional Movement SPD and Magic Power .

By buying this item you will be able to make the hero you use very sick and agile because this item adds movement and Magic Power .

4. Holy Crystal

The fourth item that you must buy is the Holy Crystal item which fully provides additional Magic Power .

This item will provide a lot of additional Magic Power , which is as much as 100 Magic Power which will make Guinevere 's Magic Power increase a lot.

5. Calamity Reaper

The fifth item that you can buy is a Magic item , namely Calamity Reaper which will give you a lot of power as much as 4 powers.

The power you can get is 70 Magic Power , 100 Mana , Mana Regen and will also get 10% Cooldown Reduction .

6. Guess Sword

The last item that will increase the strength of Guinevere 's hero is an item that will increase or give 65 Magic Power .

With so much Magic Power , this hero will be very sick and deadly which causes you to kill enemies very easily.

Those are the 6 META builds that will make the Guinevere Mobile Legends hero very deadly in April 2022.