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5 Tanks that are Suitable for Using Aegis Battle Spells in Mobile Legends!

 Are you a Mobile Legends player? You must know that these 5 tanks are perfect for using the Aegis Battle Spell in Mobile Legends.

Below, we will thoroughly discuss 5 tanks that are very suitable for using Spell Aegis , from Grock's most powerful tank to tanks that have the ultimate skill to stun Akai's enemies, we will discuss.

Surely you are very curious right? Instead of being more curious, let's go straight to the following discussion article!

1. Grock

Grock is the first tank hero which is very suitable for using the Aegis Spell which when you are in war , this Spell is very useful.

You will get an additional Shield which will make Grock very invulnerable if hit by an enemy and Grock will be the strongest shield.

2. Johnson

Johnson is known for his ultimate skill that turns into a car and crashes into an enemy which if you want to use Johnson then you have to use the Aegis Spell .

So when you are intercepted by the enemy in the turret then you can protect yourself with Aegis which will provide additional Shield .

3. Tigreal

Hero Tigreal is a tank hero that has a calculated mechanic where you can attract up to five enemies at once.

If you have no back up then you will be attacked by the five enemies and you need the Aegis Spell so that your blood is difficult to reduce.

4. Minotaur

The next hero tank that is suitable for using the Aegis Spell is the Minotaur which this hero really needs the Aegis Spell so as not to be killed quickly.

When you use the ultimate skill and don't hit the enemy, that's the enemy's chance to hit you and with this spell , your blood will be immune.

5. Akai

The last hero that is suitable for using this Spell is Akai, where this hero has a fairly slow movement, therefore an Aegis Spell is needed to protect him.

With this Spell , you are fairly safe to escape from enemy attacks because you get an additional Shield when attacked by enemies.

Those are 5 tank heroes that are perfect for using the Aegis Battle Spell in Mobile Legends . Are you interested in trying some of the tank heroes above?